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WFB (WarForever Blog) for always updated news
I created this blog because I would like to be free like a feather that touches the asphalt, I would like to be free for everything that I share with you, I would like to be free for my harmless outburst, I would like to be the person that you ignore and that traffics your life, I would like to be your war, your land, your hand that grabs me, I would like if you want... WAR FOREVER
NIS Directive 2: What Changes for Corporate Cyber Security?
Cybersecurity is increasingly at the center of corporate strategies, especially in light of new European regulations. Among these is the NIS 2 Directive , which represents a fundamental step to strengthen the protection of networks and information systems in Europe. With compliance deadlines now imminent, companies must, in fact, prepare to comply with the new obligations to avoid sanctions and vulnerabilities. But what exactly is the NIS 2 Directive? The Network and Information Security Directive (NIS 2 ) is an update of the previous NIS Directive of 2016, introduced to ensure a high level of information security in the Member States of the European Union . This new version expands the number of sectors involved and imposes more...
I drank too much today
Today I drank too much, we went to some friends' house to celebrate our brother's birthday, I vomited 10 times and unfortunately I felt sick for a couple of hours, so... on the bed... with my head towards the ceiling watching the world go round, I had a few shots afterwards... I went to the little garden and met a girl... then I'll explain it to you in detail :sleep::sick:
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