[XenCustomize] Limit Resource Downloads

XF 2.2 / 2.3 [XenCustomize] Limit Resource Downloads 2.3.3

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Limit Resource Downloads add-on gives forum admins powerful control over resource downloads by allowing them to set a variety of limits, such as:
  • Daily download limits
  • Reaction requirement
  • Minimum message count limits
  • Force account upgrade
The add-on also includes informative interfaces and user-friendly error pages that explain the reasons for download restrictions. This helps to discourage abuse and promote fair use of resources.

In addition, the add-on can encourage user engagement on the forums and can lead to more account upgrades, boosting your site’s revenue.
Here are some of the key features of the Limit Resource Downloads add-on:

🛠️ Usergroup permissions: This allows admins to fine-tune who can download resources, and under what conditions.
🧩 Support for setting permissions in each Resource Category: This gives admins even more granular control over download limits.
📉 3 types of limits: Admins can choose from customizable download limits, reaction limits, and message count limits.
↩️ Ability to bypass limits: Admins can allow users to bypass limits by setting them to “Unlimited” or by granting them the appropriate usergroup permissions.
📊 Info Tabs Bar: This provides a quick overview of the user’s current download limits for the viewed resource.
📄 Download Limits Overview Page: This provides a detailed overview of user-specific download limits for the accessed resource.
🎯 Custom Buttons: These buttons provide quick user info/alerts, such as the number of downloads left or an alert that the download limit has been exceeded.
🚦 User-friendly error pages: These pages explain and guide users through download limits and restrictions.
⚙️ Admin options: Admins can customize the download limit reset time, enable/disable the Info Tabs Bar and Download Limits Overview Page, and set limits on version downloads on the History tab.
⛔ Restrictions on changing or undoing reactions, controlled by admin options & usergroup permissions.

If you’re looking for a powerful way to control resource downloads on your XenForo forum, the [XenCustomize] Limit Resource Downloads add-on is a great option. It’s packed with features and gives administrators the flexibility to fine-tune download limits to meet their specific needs.
While the add-on is built using the latest versions, we require a minimum of XF 2.2.4+ and XFRM 2.2.2+ for proper compatibility. If you need compatibility with older versions, kindly reach out to us before making a purchase.
Install “[XenCustomize] Limit Resource Downloads” like any other XenForo add-on. In admin options, you need to set your choice of positive reaction IDs, other options are pre-set by default as shown below:

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Next, explore Usergroup permissions. These 3 permissions are automatically set up during the installation process:
  • “Reaction Limit” permission is granted to user who can react on resources.
  • “Bypass Reaction Limit” permission is for those who can Bypass Flood Check.
  • “Bypass Message Count Limit” permission is set for users who can Bypass Flood Check.
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Please setup usergroup permissions as per your needs, specially “Download limit” and “Message count limit” should not be left as 0, see above screenshot.

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Optionally, you can also set resource category permission.

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Clicking the links in the Info Tabs Bar opens the “Download Limits Overview” page in an overlay window, as demonstrated below:

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Implemented limits on Version Downloads on the History tab.

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User-friendly error pages explaining and guiding users through download limits and restrictions, as shown below:

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As of 1.1.0 Beta 1, New user-friendly error page to guide users when they’ve reacted, but not with a positive reaction, as shown below:

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Version 1.1.2 - Native JavaScript code :
In this update, we've rewritten the JavaScript code to make it native, meaning it no longer relies on jQuery. This change prepares us for the removal of jQuery in XenForo 2.3.
  • JavaScript has been rewritten to make it native, (no longer relies on jQuery) in preparation for removal of jQuery in XenForo 2.3.
  • The add-on now detects XenForo version and serves the appropriate JavaScript code, ensuring compatibility with both XenForo 2.2 and 2.3.
If you're not running XenForo 2.3 you don't need to download and update to this version.

Version - Minor adjustment :
  • We took out the emoji from these phrases:
  • xcu_lrdl_reaction_limit_overview
  • xcu_lrdl_reaction_limit_not_applied
Version 1.1.3 - External Download URL :
  • Resolved an [E_WARNING] Attempt to read property "Container" on null error.
  • Allowing users to download resources with “External Download URL” without issues.
Version 1.1.4 - External Download URL :
  • Resources with the “External Download URL” type now support:
    • Download limit
    • Countdown timer
    • Positive reaction limit
    • Message count limit
  • Auto-watch resources when downloading using the countdown timer.
  • User group permissions related to moderators are now separated.
  • Several important fixes and stability improvements.

Version 1.1.5 - Countdown Timer Time Permission Fix :
In this update, we've resolved an issue where the User group permission "Countdown timer time" was not being applied on the front-end.

  • Resolved an issue where the User group permission "Countdown timer time" was not being applied on the front-end.
We recommend all users running a previous version of 1.1.x to upgrade to this version for enhanced stability.

We're excited to announce v1.2.0! This update makes the addon compatible with XenForo 2.3.0 Beta 7 and higher. Please note, XenForo 2.3.0 Beta 7 is now the minimum requirement.
  • Now compatible with XenForo 2.3.0 Beta 7+.
  • XenForo 2.3.0 Beta 7 is now the minimum requirement for this addon version.
  • 1.1.x series (1.1.5 most recent version) will continue to support XenForo 2.2.x
  • Version 1.2.0 has been renamed to 2.3.0.

Version 2.3.1 - Maintenance update!

Limit Resource Downloads v2.3.1 (for XF 2.3) and v2.2.6 (for XF 2.2) are now available!

This update fixes an issue where attempting to download a non-existent resource would cause an unexpected error. (Reported by @CommanderVex)

To make versioning clearer, we’ve updated the version numbers as follows:
  • The 1.1.x series is now renamed to 2.2.x (latest version 2.2.6 released today) and will continue to support XenForo 2.2.x.
  • The 1.2.x series is now renamed to 2.3.x (latest version 2.3.1 released today) and will continue to support XenForo 2.3.x.
    • Additionally, the previously released version 1.2.0 has been renamed to 2.3.0.
  • Corrected an error where attempting to download a non-existent resource caused an unexpected error.
  • Resolved a rare issue where the download action failed to verify the resource version, causing unexpected error in specific cases.
XF 2.1 / 2.2  [TH] Monetize  1.1.7 Patch Level 2


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