• No advertising, links or signatures allowed
[cXF] Membership Page

XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3 [cXF] Membership Page 2.0.1

Create a membership page and customize it with tons of settings and styling options.

*note: Proceed button on pack item on the membership page leads to user account upgrade page. You can't point it directly to the payment process.

  • navigation tab, membership page and widget are added based on a user group permission
  • use route filters to change the URL for your membership page
  • show/remove page title, top and bottom breadcrumb
  • show membership page content within a block
  • optional top notice with title and description
  • optional bottom notice with title and description
  • add up to 5 membership pack items that are fully responsive
  • each pack item has a ton of styling options (set width, change colors, font sizes, add images, icons, badges, add/remove elements like titles, features, etc.)
  • add a widget for membership packs anywhere on your forum
  • the widget styling is taken from the membership page, but every element can be removed to show for instance a small version of membership packs (optional elements that can be removed: top and bottom notice, top title, image, icon, badge, main title, features, price with text)
  • use phrases to edit texts with HTML
First thing first:
  • after install check permission and set it to Yes
  • check Public navigation and move your Membership tab to a different position if you want
  • check Options and edit content (notices, items, etc.)
  • check and edit phrases, especially if you'd like to use HTML for instance for features
  • check Widgets and create a new widget for Membership page if you'd like to show your packs anywhere on your forum (remember to check Options in tab Widgets to remove certain elements)

< quick examples of membership page - you can really change almost anything (colors, content, add image, FA icon, etc.) >

cXF Membership Page-1.webp

... with 5 packs, FA icons, top and bottom notice
cXF Membership Page-2.webp

... with 3 packs, Pack B has greater width to highlight it
cXF Membership Page-3.webp

... with 4 packs
cXF Membership Page-4.webp

... with 5 packs in responsive view, last 2 packs are stretched to fill the container
cXF Membership Page-5.webp

... with 5 packs in responsive view, last 2 packs are not stretched

< create a widget and remove elements from it in Options page to make it smaller >
cXF Membership Page-6.webp

< permissions >
cXF Membership Page-7.webp

< options - check the tabs for even more options >
cXF Membership Page-8.webp

< options - example for tab Pack E >
cXF Membership Page-9.webp

< style properties groups >
cXF Membership Page-10.webp

< style properties - general >
cXF Membership Page-11.webp

< style properties - example for Pack A >
cXF Membership Page-12.webp

Version 1.2.0 : removed option for breadcrumbs

Version 1.2.1 :
changed the PHP file with different approach for tabbed options
option tabs are all phrased now

*the MacroRender.php file can be deleted from server

Version 1.2.2 : bugfix: updated the event listener to fix an issue on the "Advertising" and "Notices" page in XenForo.

Version 1.2.3 : under the hood update: added code for data-widget parameters.

Version 1.3.0 :
  • NEW: the option to redirect the button with a link for each package to any website where payment is subsequently made (e.g. directly to PayPal or any other payment processor). Note: this is not automated, you must enter the URL where the button redirects you to. By default, it points to the user account upgrades page.
  • removed links from some of the elements for each package (there were too many). Now there is only a button linking to the payment process.

Version 1.5.0 :
new option: add elements of the membership page on the registration page when the user completes the registration process. This allows them to quickly navigate to the account upgrade page after successful registration:

cXF Membership Page-13.webp

Note #1: Elements of the membership page will not be displayed on the waiting confirmation or moderation page.
Note #2: This is not a paid registration feature. If you don't want to "scare" potential members with user upgrades before they register, you have a user-friendly option (notification) to upgrade their account.
Note #3: this new option is available for XenForo versions 2.2 and 2.3

compatibility fix for XenForo 2.3

Version 1.5.1 :
  • changed template modifications to use regular expressions for better compatibility
  • minor bug fixes in the Options page
Version 1.5.2 : bugfix for pack width on mobile view

Version 1.5.3 : minor update: updated descriptions for the Options page to reflect the right phrase for editing

Version 1.5.4 :
  • bugfix: main title phrase is now working correctly
  • corrected some typos in descriptions for options
Both versions of the add-on for XF 2.2 and 2.3 have been updated.

Version 1.5.6 : Bug fix

Version 2.0.0 : Compatible xenforo 2.3

  • NEW: added 4 more packs, now a total of 9 packs available (thank you @philmckrackon)
  • NEW: option to set the fixed width and alignment for pack blocks (set it in Style properties > [cXF] Membership Page - general
  • some CSS cleaning
< example with all 9 packs enabled >
cXF Membership Page-14.webp

Version 2.0.1 : Bugfix: changed the folder name to avoid server errors.
- Update is highly recommended (especially if you upgrade to XF 2.2.16+)


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