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  1. [XenGenTr] Style V7

    XF Style [XenGenTr] Style V7

    XenGenTr 7th Generation theme, Simplicity and light theme, integration of blue, white and gray. Compatibility: XenForo 2.2.x
  2. E

    Help Suggestions and requests

    Hello, I’d like to share a few suggestions for your forum: It would be great to have dedicated sections for suggestions and requests on the forum. This could make it easier for users to contribute ideas and share feedback. Please avoid implementing subscription fees or paid content on a new...
  3. E

    Help Suggestions and requests

    Thank you for your kind response. :)
  4. E

    Help Suggestions and requests

    First of all, thank you for such a site. Please add plugins for plugins and Prefix for designs. It will be convenient to determine which version it is. I also have a request. Do you have XenVn Style 2.3.4? Thank you.
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