• Registered users can download 5 resources per day from Xenforo

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  1. [OzzModz] Thread Locked View Permission

    XF 2.2 / 2.3 [OzzModz] Thread Locked View Permission 2.0.0 Patch Level 1

    Requirements: XenForo 2.2+ Description: This small addon adds two new permissions to your forum, "View own locked thread" and "View any locked thread". This is useful if you have a classified forum and wish only the thread starter to view their own threads once locked. This is done in node...
  2. [OzzModz] Thread Replies In Description

    XF 2.2 / 2.3 [OzzModz] Thread Replies In Description 2.0.0

    Requirements : XenForo 2.2+ Description : This small addon will display the thread replies in the description line. It uses the short number format. Example :
  3. [cXF] Thread prefix icons

    XF Tutorial [cXF] Thread prefix icons

    Would you like to customize your prefixes? Here's a simple DIY tutorial as an example. Of course, you can extend it for your own needs as you wish. So, read this tutorial to achieve something like this : 1. Create your custom prefix In admin CP go to Forums > Thread prefixes and click on...
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