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    Thanks in advance.
[021] ChatGPT Reply Assistant

XF 2.2 [021] ChatGPT Reply Assistant 1.1.1

Additional requirements :
[021] ChatGPT Framework 1.2.0+

This add-on uses ChatGPT to generate replies to posts automatically, providing instant and intelligent responses to keep the conversation flowing smoothly. With its advanced contextual analysis, this add-on ensures that the generated replies are relevant and appropriate to the topic being discussed.
To be more precise, the bot takes into account the forum title, the thread title, and all the posts that were before the post to which it generates a response.

Permissions :
The permission to use ChatGPT reply is configured in the "Forum permissions" group. Permissions can be configured individually for forums.

021 ChatGPT Reply Assistant-1.webp

Options :
021 ChatGPT Reply Assistant-2.webp

* This add-on requires [021] ChatGPT Bots installed and an OpenAI service key.
* OpenAI may charge a fee for using their API.


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