Additional requirements :
- Standard Library v1.18.0+ by Xon
- Recommended: Threadmarks Pro (paid)
- Recommended: SVG Template (free)
Supports the following general bb-codes :
If SVG Template (free) add-on is installed&active, an SVG icon is added besides the warning banner.
More info here : Advanced Bb Codes Pack
V1.4.7 Maintenance update :
Fix some style properties not applying as expected
Adjust trim lines tag after for latex tag
Add style-wide option to disable lightbox
Version 1.4.8 - Maintenance update :
Apply workaround to prevent empty alt/title tags in Chrome from causing an image which is failing to load to fail to show the failed to load image.
Version 1.5.0 - Maintenance update :
Style property to replace blur-spoiler with non-blurred version (default disabled), note; non-blurred spoiler handles images while stock XF version does not
Adjust transition delay on inline-spoiler bar used when showing transparent text
Add QuickSpoiler stub (for [qs] bb-code, and xml file) & remove redundant css/less injection
bb-code definition files are now provided in an 'bb-codes' folder outside the 'upload' folder in redistributable
Only render the most top-level inline spoiler, as nested inline spoilers are silly and work poorly.
Version 1.5.1 Bugfix update : Better handling for [xtable] bb-code with nested normal bb-code that wrap another [xtable]
Version 1.5.2 Bugfix update : Fix that [xtable] bb-code would unexpectedly strip new-lines in contained text
Version 1.5.3 Maintenance update : Adjust css for accordion/slider/tabs to better interact with floated content
Version 1.5.4 Bugfix update : Fix [xtable] rendering unexpectingly adding new lines when not using {tbody} to wrap {tr} tags
Version 1.7.3 - Bugfix update :
Fix Word-counter
Work-around minifier bug which doesn't support unicode regex correctly
Restore support for browsers without unicode regex
Version 1.7.5 - Bugfix update
Fix word-counter not working in bb-code only mode
Fix typo in "Word-count updating delay" style property name
Enable word-counter by default, with a 0.6 second delay
In emails, dump raw latex instead of attempting to render
In emails, fix that the count down/up timer would be attempted to be rendered in email
Version 1.7.6 - Maintenance update
Add a small amount of padding to the word-counter
Vote tally compatibility improvement
Version 1.7.7 - Bugfix & Maintenance update
Fix bb-codes in emails potentially not using the correct XF templater sub-system
Remove explicit string return types on functions which can return XF string-like objects
Patch email text rewrite color=transparent to spoiler, as otherwise this can trigger email spam filters
Apply "Use non-blurred spoiler" style-property to emails
Version 1.7.8 - Maintenance update :
Add explicit support for bb-code pages being considered "staff" for staff-only bb-codes. This also refactors how content is considered "staff" to be easier for other add-ons to extend.
Version 1.7.16 - Compatibility/Bugfix update
On toggling show transparent as spoilers; remove the data-xf-click attribute to restore old pointer behaviour
Compatibility fix for XF2.1.6 changes to [color] bb-code
Add "Support transparent color" option (default enabled), overrides XF2.1.6 behaviour.
Version 1.8.6 - Bugfix update : Fix displaying bb-codes tagged as moderator only in the front-end
Version 1.9.4 - Maintenance update :
Disable editor workarounds which have been implemented in XenForo v2.2.7+ when using XF2.2.7+
Update [abbr] and [time] bb-codes to support touch events to show the tooltip for better mobile support
Version 1.9.5 - Bugfix update :
On building javascript bundle, use minified version of all js files
Fix toggle bb-code in XF2.1
Improve copy & paste support for Word, but supporting page layout "after" option
Version 1.9.6 - Bugfix update :
Fix regression in Microsoft Word copy & paste support around missed adding new lines.
Note; using custom styling in Microsoft Word will likely confuse the Microsoft Word Html => bb-code converter. Deeply.
Version 1.12.6 - Bugfix update :
- Code cleanup around utf8 string handling
- Rename "Threadmark category Id" option to "Staff threadmark category Id"
- Fix toggling bb-code mode on/off would cause duplicate newlines to be inserted for content inside an
- Standard Library v1.18.0+ by Xon
- Recommended: Threadmarks Pro (paid)
- Recommended: SVG Template (free)
Supports the following general bb-codes :
- abbr
- accordion
- article
- bimg
- encadre
- gview
- latex
- slider
- xtable (TinyQuattro compatible, much more advanced than XF2.1 built-in version)
- tabs
- time
- justify
- sub
- sup
- hr (can be a self-closing tag)
- h1
- h2
- h3
- h4
- spoilerbb rewrites to XF native spoiler
- alert
- warning
- stop
- information
If SVG Template (free) add-on is installed&active, an SVG icon is added besides the warning banner.
More info here : Advanced Bb Codes Pack
V1.4.7 Maintenance update :
Fix some style properties not applying as expected
Adjust trim lines tag after for latex tag
Add style-wide option to disable lightbox
Version 1.4.8 - Maintenance update :
Apply workaround to prevent empty alt/title tags in Chrome from causing an image which is failing to load to fail to show the failed to load image.
Version 1.5.0 - Maintenance update :
Style property to replace blur-spoiler with non-blurred version (default disabled), note; non-blurred spoiler handles images while stock XF version does not
Adjust transition delay on inline-spoiler bar used when showing transparent text
Add QuickSpoiler stub (for [qs] bb-code, and xml file) & remove redundant css/less injection
bb-code definition files are now provided in an 'bb-codes' folder outside the 'upload' folder in redistributable
Only render the most top-level inline spoiler, as nested inline spoilers are silly and work poorly.
Version 1.5.1 Bugfix update : Better handling for [xtable] bb-code with nested normal bb-code that wrap another [xtable]
Version 1.5.2 Bugfix update : Fix that [xtable] bb-code would unexpectedly strip new-lines in contained text
Version 1.5.3 Maintenance update : Adjust css for accordion/slider/tabs to better interact with floated content
Version 1.5.4 Bugfix update : Fix [xtable] rendering unexpectingly adding new lines when not using {tbody} to wrap {tr} tags
Version 1.5.5 Compatibility update :
Improve add-on compatibility for moderator-only bb-code support by improving robustness of detecting content's ownership (ie was it posted by a mod or not)
Resolves compatibility with with @Bob's AMS
Version 1.6.0 - XF2.2 compatibility update :
Requires php 7.0+
Now depends on Standard Library by Xon
Support XF2.2+
Version 1.6.1 - Bugfix update : Fix issue blocking word-count widget in the editor for XF2.2
Version 1.6.2 - Bugfix update : Fix overlapping SVG icon when mod bbcode is the first element of a post in XF2.2
Version 1.6.3 :
Fix support for additional cleanup on copy & paste to preserve additional formatting
Render superscript/subscript tags in rich-text editor
Improve editor support for superscript/subscript tags, and fix XF2.2 compatibility issue
Version 1.6.4 - Maintenance update : Add explicit support for XFRM for moderator-only bb-codes
Version 1.6.5 - Bugfix update :
Work-around for error when using [time] bb-code editor integration
Patch pikaday usage to not error, this currently disables the time-pick component until it can be replaced.
Version 1.6.6 - Maintenance update :
Require Standard Library by Xon v1.3.0+
Update [time] bb-code editor integration to use new date/time picker with custom version which works with XF2.1/XF2.2
Add native lazy load support for [bimg] bb-code
Version 1.7.0 - Feature update :
Fix non-blur inline spoiler blurring smilies
Require Standard Library by Xon v1.4.0+
Add various php 7.0 type hints, this is a breaking change for add-ons which extend this one
If installed, Require Thread Reply Banner v1.3.1+
Add support for [time=countdown] and [time=countup]
Version 1.7.1 - Bugfix update : Fix double escaping of accordion/tabs/slider title due to unexpected type casting
Version 1.7.2 - Maintenance update :
Update editor word counter to better match Word Count Search & Post Friction add-ons, which should result in vastly less word-count overestimation
Improve add-on compatibility for moderator-only bb-code support by improving robustness of detecting content's ownership (ie was it posted by a mod or not)
Resolves compatibility with with @Bob's AMS
Version 1.6.0 - XF2.2 compatibility update :
Requires php 7.0+
Now depends on Standard Library by Xon
Support XF2.2+
Version 1.6.1 - Bugfix update : Fix issue blocking word-count widget in the editor for XF2.2
Version 1.6.2 - Bugfix update : Fix overlapping SVG icon when mod bbcode is the first element of a post in XF2.2
Version 1.6.3 :
Fix support for additional cleanup on copy & paste to preserve additional formatting
Render superscript/subscript tags in rich-text editor
Improve editor support for superscript/subscript tags, and fix XF2.2 compatibility issue
Version 1.6.4 - Maintenance update : Add explicit support for XFRM for moderator-only bb-codes
Version 1.6.5 - Bugfix update :
Work-around for error when using [time] bb-code editor integration
Patch pikaday usage to not error, this currently disables the time-pick component until it can be replaced.
Version 1.6.6 - Maintenance update :
Require Standard Library by Xon v1.3.0+
Update [time] bb-code editor integration to use new date/time picker with custom version which works with XF2.1/XF2.2
Add native lazy load support for [bimg] bb-code
Version 1.7.0 - Feature update :
Fix non-blur inline spoiler blurring smilies
Require Standard Library by Xon v1.4.0+
Add various php 7.0 type hints, this is a breaking change for add-ons which extend this one
If installed, Require Thread Reply Banner v1.3.1+
Add support for [time=countdown] and [time=countup]
Version 1.7.1 - Bugfix update : Fix double escaping of accordion/tabs/slider title due to unexpected type casting
Version 1.7.2 - Maintenance update :
Update editor word counter to better match Word Count Search & Post Friction add-ons, which should result in vastly less word-count overestimation
Fix Word-counter
Work-around minifier bug which doesn't support unicode regex correctly
Restore support for browsers without unicode regex
Version 1.7.5 - Bugfix update
Fix word-counter not working in bb-code only mode
Fix typo in "Word-count updating delay" style property name
Enable word-counter by default, with a 0.6 second delay
In emails, dump raw latex instead of attempting to render
In emails, fix that the count down/up timer would be attempted to be rendered in email
Version 1.7.6 - Maintenance update
Add a small amount of padding to the word-counter
Vote tally compatibility improvement
Version 1.7.7 - Bugfix & Maintenance update
Fix bb-codes in emails potentially not using the correct XF templater sub-system
Remove explicit string return types on functions which can return XF string-like objects
Patch email text rewrite color=transparent to spoiler, as otherwise this can trigger email spam filters
Apply "Use non-blurred spoiler" style-property to emails
Version 1.7.8 - Maintenance update :
Add explicit support for bb-code pages being considered "staff" for staff-only bb-codes. This also refactors how content is considered "staff" to be easier for other add-ons to extend.
Version 1.7.9 - Bugfix update & minor feature update
Restore php 7.0 compatibility
Fix [bimg] "title inside" option not applying expected CSS
Fix [bimg] "title position" option not combining with "title align" option
Fix possible "[E_NOTICE] Array to string conversion" on mod-tag usage
Fix possible error in bb-code rendered in emails
Fix that [bimg block_align=right] would lack margins
Add "word count labels" feature which allows setting spesific phrases to be used at given word-counts
Version 1.7.10 - Bugfix update : Fix option "Mod Interrupt bb-code: Moderator only rendering", broken in 1.7.9
Version 1.7.11 - Compatibility update
Support Svg Template v2.3.0 server-side render of svg-to-png for moderator bb-code icons for tablet/mobile devices.
Requires Browser Detection v2.1.0+ for this feature
Restore php 7.0 compatibility
Fix [bimg] "title inside" option not applying expected CSS
Fix [bimg] "title position" option not combining with "title align" option
Fix possible "[E_NOTICE] Array to string conversion" on mod-tag usage
Fix possible error in bb-code rendered in emails
Fix that [bimg block_align=right] would lack margins
Add "word count labels" feature which allows setting spesific phrases to be used at given word-counts
Version 1.7.10 - Bugfix update : Fix option "Mod Interrupt bb-code: Moderator only rendering", broken in 1.7.9
Version 1.7.11 - Compatibility update
Support Svg Template v2.3.0 server-side render of svg-to-png for moderator bb-code icons for tablet/mobile devices.
Requires Browser Detection v2.1.0+ for this feature
Force global namespace for functions which are known to be optimizable to bytecode in php
Fix add-on compatibility with XF\Pub\Controller\Editor::loadDialog
Fix that multiple [tabs] bb-code in the same content could unexpectedly persist which tab was expected to be open between tabs
Fix that multiple [Accordion] bb-code in the same content could unexpectedly persist width/height limits between accordions
Tidy up some style property text
Allow "auto" for default width for various bb-code, and width:auto argument where widths are permitted.
Fix add-on compatibility with XF\Pub\Controller\Editor::loadDialog
Fix that multiple [tabs] bb-code in the same content could unexpectedly persist which tab was expected to be open between tabs
Fix that multiple [Accordion] bb-code in the same content could unexpectedly persist width/height limits between accordions
Tidy up some style property text
Allow "auto" for default width for various bb-code, and width:auto argument where widths are permitted.
Standardize to lower-case to avoid incorrect transaparency handling
fix 'transparent => inline-spoiler' feature did not have same click behaviour as just inline-spoilers
Inline-spoiler no longer prevents rendering of text color on hover, yet 'transparent' color is over-riden when using the transparent color => inline-spoiler feature
Support [tab=id]text[/tab] to link tab ids
Fix slide & slide header support only supporting legacy multi-options format, and not XF2.1+ native
Implement XF2.2 style bb-code arguments for accordion/slider/tabs slides
Ensure align/align_title bb-code option for title alignment is consistently supported for accordion/bimg/encadre/slider/tabs
Update bb-code description for hr/accordion/bimg/encadre/fieldset/slider/tabs, this overwrites the bb-code definition!
fix 'transparent => inline-spoiler' feature did not have same click behaviour as just inline-spoilers
Inline-spoiler no longer prevents rendering of text color on hover, yet 'transparent' color is over-riden when using the transparent color => inline-spoiler feature
Support [tab=id]text[/tab] to link tab ids
Fix slide & slide header support only supporting legacy multi-options format, and not XF2.1+ native
Implement XF2.2 style bb-code arguments for accordion/slider/tabs slides
Ensure align/align_title bb-code option for title alignment is consistently supported for accordion/bimg/encadre/slider/tabs
Update bb-code description for hr/accordion/bimg/encadre/fieldset/slider/tabs, this overwrites the bb-code definition!
Fix "[E_WARNING] trim() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given" when dealling with malformed accordion/tab/slider
Fix word-counter not being reset on submitting bb-code only replies
Make abbr interact with tabbing through a document to show it's tooltip
Add "Default HR style" style property, defaulting to a Hr line faded on both sides styling.
Update hr custom bb-code definition again, this overrrides the XF2.2 version!
Fix drag-select reply/quote not reversing html => bbcode for
non-blury spoiler
Fix word-counter not being reset on submitting bb-code only replies
Make abbr interact with tabbing through a document to show it's tooltip
Add "Default HR style" style property, defaulting to a Hr line faded on both sides styling.
Update hr custom bb-code definition again, this overrrides the XF2.2 version!
Fix drag-select reply/quote not reversing html => bbcode for
non-blury spoiler
Version 1.7.16 - Compatibility/Bugfix update
On toggling show transparent as spoilers; remove the data-xf-click attribute to restore old pointer behaviour
Compatibility fix for XF2.1.6 changes to [color] bb-code
Add "Support transparent color" option (default enabled), overrides XF2.1.6 behaviour.
Version 1.8.0 - Feature update
Fix copy & pasting text in the editor injecting additional new lines (in XF2.2+), and additional
bb-code tags which are problematic for the
Add "Disable rendering quotes in editor" style property
Change [latex] formula box to being a multi-line text entry instead of a single line
Add multi-line text entry field for
Rework editor dialog integration. Auto-fill selected text into bb-code dialogs in the relevant places
For [slider]/[accordion]/[tabs]; instead of just entering the title, allow entering tab/slide text in the editor dialog
Fix copy & pasting text in the editor injecting additional new lines (in XF2.2+), and additional
bb-code tags which are problematic for the
bb-codesAdd "Disable rendering quotes in editor" style property
Change [latex] formula box to being a multi-line text entry instead of a single line
Add multi-line text entry field for
Rework editor dialog integration. Auto-fill selected text into bb-code dialogs in the relevant places
For [slider]/[accordion]/[tabs]; instead of just entering the title, allow entering tab/slide text in the editor dialog
Version 1.8.3 - Maintainance update
Patch unfurl to use visitor's styling and inject the $xf template variable. Allows editing the bb_code_tag_url_unfurl template
Improve handling of copy & pasting Discord message text into rich text editor, aka prevent eating new-lines.
Note; Discord's select & ctrl-c outputs HTML while select & right-click & copy produces Text!
Works with;
Simple line text formatting; bold, italics, strikethrough, underlining.
block quotes
code blocks (formatted or non-formatted, renders as
multi-line text
Inline code-block
Inline spoiler
Improve [time] bb-code editor dialog error handling
Recommend updating StandardLib v1.7.3 to fix pikaday css not being loaded in XF2.2
Patch unfurl to use visitor's styling and inject the $xf template variable. Allows editing the bb_code_tag_url_unfurl template
Improve handling of copy & pasting Discord message text into rich text editor, aka prevent eating new-lines.
Note; Discord's select & ctrl-c outputs HTML while select & right-click & copy produces Text!
Works with;
Simple line text formatting; bold, italics, strikethrough, underlining.
block quotes
(renders as [quote] tag)
code blocks (formatted or non-formatted, renders as
tag, preserving the language)multi-line text
Inline code-block
(renders as [icode] tag)
Inline spoiler
(renders as [ispoiler] tag)
Improve [time] bb-code editor dialog error handling
Recommend updating StandardLib v1.7.3 to fix pikaday css not being loaded in XF2.2
Version 1.8.4 - Maintenance/bugfix update
Version 1.8.4 Patch 1 - Tiny bugfix update :
Tweak default LaTeX tag titleEnable editor support for custom [hr] with additional styling tag driven by sv_bbcode_hr templateEditor respects the "Default HR style" style propertyFix issue with toggling bb-code mode introducing linebreaks around [hr] tagWorks with XF2.1Fixes for "Disable rendering quotes in editor" style property is enabled (XF2.2+)Make editor inject raw [quote] bb-codeFix bug where new-line after [quote] bb-code would be unexpectedly trimmed when toggling bb-code modeFix quoting/replying would not have a newline between the [/quote] tag and the cursor
Version 1.8.4 Patch 1 - Tiny bugfix update :
Fix javascript error blocking more than 1 [/hr]to be added per editor
Version 1.8.5 - Bugfix update
Enable Fieldset bb-code to use float align argument (the dialog suggests this is supported)Fix moderator only bb-codes would not render in the admincp bb-code button managerFix editor not being extended reliably for non-post editor usage
Version 1.9.3 - Feature update :
- Fix XF2.1 support for copy & paste of Discord code blocks
- Workaround for editor bug where whitespace is eaten after a link inside a list (that has child-list).
- Workaround for janky editor behaviour around invisible new lines resulting in to few and too many lines being removed when pressing delete at the end or a line or backspace at the begining of the line
- Allow parse_less_color to convert rgb/rgba format into a hex string before caching or before touching the less parser
- Rework how custom json is passed to the editor to better scale and require less json decoding steps
- Update hr custom bb-code
- Increase height of line slightly
- Uses template rendering instead of text replacement
- Fix copy & paste of existing hr tags would strip the hr styling choice
- Shim XF2.2 Insert HR button to inject add-on css (bbc-hr)
- Update h1/h2/h3/h4 custom bb-codes
- In XF2.1; implement editor support, including copy & paste support
- In XF2.2; force h1 tags to be accepted; and provide per tag css
- Shim XF2.2 Paragraph format button to inject add-on css (bbc-header)
- Add Paragraph format button to XF2.1 (requires manually adding to editor toolbars)
- Improve support for copying from Microsoft Word/LibreOffice/OpenOffice and not aggressively adding additional newlines
- Improve support for preserving new-lines for some HTML copy & paste operations
- Add option "Normalize quote characters on paste" to convert "smart" quotes into standard ascii quotes
- Add copy & paste support for XF inline code blocks
- Add copy & paste support for XF inline spoiler & add-on's non-blury spoiler blocks
- Add "Editor playground" option, allow users to preview editor output. Including debug options to inspect how XF transforms editor code to html/bb-code
- Make the draft button not get disabled in bb-code mode, as the feature still works in the background
- Add style property "Suggest disabling bb-code mode clicks", to help non-desktop users get out of bb-code mode
- Add "fullscreen editor button" option, to enable the fullscreen editor plugin & button (default enable)
- Requires adding the button to the editor toolbar's manually
- Recommend updating Thread Reply Banner to v2.4.2 if using XF2.2
Disable editor workarounds which have been implemented in XenForo v2.2.7+ when using XF2.2.7+
Update [abbr] and [time] bb-codes to support touch events to show the tooltip for better mobile support
Version 1.9.5 - Bugfix update :
On building javascript bundle, use minified version of all js files
Fix toggle bb-code in XF2.1
Improve copy & paste support for Word, but supporting page layout "after" option
Version 1.9.6 - Bugfix update :
Fix regression in Microsoft Word copy & paste support around missed adding new lines.
Note; using custom styling in Microsoft Word will likely confuse the Microsoft Word Html => bb-code converter. Deeply.
Version 1.9.7 - Bugfix/Maintenance update :
Fix fullscreen mode in XF2.2 not covering the screen.
On enter/exit fullscreen mode, trigger toolbar changes if applicable
Improve screen reader compatibility for inline spoiler/abbr/time bb-codes
Version 1.9.8 - Bugfix update : Fix "Cannot call method isIgnoring on a non-object" in editor playground when using quotes
Version 1.9.9 - Maintenance update :
Generate stable Tab/Accordion/Slider id's
Improve editor support for Slider bb-code.
Add more options that the add-on support to the editor integration UI
Version 1.9.10 - Bugfix update : Fix internal server error when editing posts with sliders/accordions/tabs
Version 1.9.11 - Bugfix update : Fix [time] bb-code being broken due to attempting to skip default values from being embedded into the raw bb-code
Version 1.9.12 - Bugfix update :
Fix php 8.1 compatibility
(Hopefully) Improve compatibility with copy&paste support for google docs
Version 1.9.13 - Bugfix - update : Workaround for the Froala bug where the full-screen button doesn't cause the toolbar to resize
Version 1.9.14 - Browser compatibility update :
CSS incantations to fix [abbr] & [time] underline behaviour for iOS devices
Version 1.10.1 - Feature update :
Require XenForo 2.2+
Add "MathJax source (latex bb-code)" option. Defaults to "" to deliver v2.7.9
Hosting locally requires downloading This is a ~38mb zip! Copy the entire contents of the zip, preserving directories, to;
See the FAQ for an example of setting up proxying for MathJax without needing to download the entire ~40mb redistributable.
Edit the template sv_bbcode_latex to change which mathjax version is used. Note; v3+ requires new javascript setup scripts which is not supported.
Add self-closing font-awesome bb-codes (not installed by default);
A "Brands" Style Font Awesome Icon; [FAB=font-awesome]
A "Duotone" Style Font Awesome Icon; [FAD=icons]
A "Light" Style Font Awesome Icon; [FAL=icons]
A "Regular" Style Font Awesome Icon; [FAR=icons]
A "Solid" Style Font Awesome Icon; [FAS=icons]
Version 1.11.0 - Maintenance update :
Require StandardLib v1.11.0+
Improve support for rendering templates in the mail & api contexts by correctly injecting template filters/functions into multiple rendering contexts
Move template functions
Remove unused 'bb_code_time' date-time formatting option, this was just
Version 1.11.1 - Maintenance update :
On install, install custom hr/h1/h2/h3/h4 bb-codes
Improve compatibility for HTML => BbCode translation when not all custom bb-codes are installed & enabled
Version 1.11.2 - Maintenance update : When "Size tag in rem units" is enabled, force 'px' unit sizes into 'rem' units to allow text scaling
Version 1.11.3 - Bugfix update : Fix header(h2/h3/h4) bb-code did not round-trip as expected (actually enable workaround)
Version 1.11.4 - Bugfix update :
Work-around for
tags mangling text when combined with various block bb-codes and loading a draft or togglign bb-code mode off/on/off
Switch CDN used for Latex support (aka MathJax) from jsdelivr to
Version 1.12.0 - Bugfix update :
Fix front-end editor not respecting abbr support and extended h1/h2/h3/h4 support is disabled
Fix potential security vulnerability (which was addressed in XF2.2.11) for older XF2.2.x versions
Version 1.12.1 - Compatibility update : Fix XF2.2.11 compatibility when editing posts
Version 1.12.2 - Bugfix update :
Fix tags spanning lines where not merged as expected in rich text editor mode Fix inline spoiler did not work correctly with Samsung Internet Browser's forced dark-mode.
Fix fullscreen mode in XF2.2 not covering the screen.
On enter/exit fullscreen mode, trigger toolbar changes if applicable
Improve screen reader compatibility for inline spoiler/abbr/time bb-codes
Version 1.9.8 - Bugfix update : Fix "Cannot call method isIgnoring on a non-object" in editor playground when using quotes
Version 1.9.9 - Maintenance update :
Generate stable Tab/Accordion/Slider id's
Improve editor support for Slider bb-code.
Add more options that the add-on support to the editor integration UI
Version 1.9.10 - Bugfix update : Fix internal server error when editing posts with sliders/accordions/tabs
Version 1.9.11 - Bugfix update : Fix [time] bb-code being broken due to attempting to skip default values from being embedded into the raw bb-code
Version 1.9.12 - Bugfix update :
Fix php 8.1 compatibility
(Hopefully) Improve compatibility with copy&paste support for google docs
Version 1.9.13 - Bugfix - update : Workaround for the Froala bug where the full-screen button doesn't cause the toolbar to resize
Version 1.9.14 - Browser compatibility update :
CSS incantations to fix [abbr] & [time] underline behaviour for iOS devices
Version 1.10.1 - Feature update :
Require XenForo 2.2+
Add "MathJax source (latex bb-code)" option. Defaults to "" to deliver v2.7.9
Hosting locally requires downloading This is a ~38mb zip! Copy the entire contents of the zip, preserving directories, to;
See the FAQ for an example of setting up proxying for MathJax without needing to download the entire ~40mb redistributable.
Edit the template sv_bbcode_latex to change which mathjax version is used. Note; v3+ requires new javascript setup scripts which is not supported.
Add self-closing font-awesome bb-codes (not installed by default);
A "Brands" Style Font Awesome Icon; [FAB=font-awesome]
A "Duotone" Style Font Awesome Icon; [FAD=icons]
A "Light" Style Font Awesome Icon; [FAL=icons]
A "Regular" Style Font Awesome Icon; [FAR=icons]
A "Solid" Style Font Awesome Icon; [FAS=icons]
Version 1.11.0 - Maintenance update :
Require StandardLib v1.11.0+
Improve support for rendering templates in the mail & api contexts by correctly injecting template filters/functions into multiple rendering contexts
Move template functions
into Standard Lib add-onRemove unused 'bb_code_time' date-time formatting option, this was just
{{ date($time, 'picker') . 'T' . date($time, 'H:i:00P') }}
Version 1.11.1 - Maintenance update :
On install, install custom hr/h1/h2/h3/h4 bb-codes
Improve compatibility for HTML => BbCode translation when not all custom bb-codes are installed & enabled
Version 1.11.2 - Maintenance update : When "Size tag in rem units" is enabled, force 'px' unit sizes into 'rem' units to allow text scaling
Version 1.11.3 - Bugfix update : Fix header(h2/h3/h4) bb-code did not round-trip as expected (actually enable workaround)
Version 1.11.4 - Bugfix update :
Work-around for
tags mangling text when combined with various block bb-codes and loading a draft or togglign bb-code mode off/on/off
Switch CDN used for Latex support (aka MathJax) from jsdelivr to
Version 1.12.0 - Bugfix update :
Fix front-end editor not respecting abbr support and extended h1/h2/h3/h4 support is disabled
Fix potential security vulnerability (which was addressed in XF2.2.11) for older XF2.2.x versions
Version 1.12.1 - Compatibility update : Fix XF2.2.11 compatibility when editing posts
Version 1.12.2 - Bugfix update :
Fix tags spanning lines where not merged as expected in rich text editor mode Fix inline spoiler did not work correctly with Samsung Internet Browser's forced dark-mode.
Version 1.12.6 - Bugfix update :
- Rework how various front-end features are loaded for better maintainability
- Fix selecting text and inserting a quote when "Disable rendering quotes in editor" option was enabled would inject "undefined" instead of the quoted text
- Fix selecting text and triggering bbcode such as accordian/tabs/slider/etc, would strip formatting from the selected text when copying it into the dialog
- For XF2.2.11 and before:
- Fix XF bug where inserting various bb-codes (stock and 3rd party) could result in malformed formatting due to inserting a block bb-code in the middle of formatting
- Code cleanup around utf8 string handling
- Rename "Threadmark category Id" option to "Staff threadmark category Id"
- Fix toggling bb-code mode on/off would cause duplicate newlines to be inserted for content inside an
SVG Template by Xon
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