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AndyB Approval queue thread date

XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 AndyB Approval queue thread date 1.0

Description :

Changes approved threads in selected forums to current date and time.

This add-on is very useful in situations where you have a forum that has new threads automatically go into moderation. Once the moderator approves the thread, the thread date will be changed to the current time and date in order to have the thread show up in the New posts as new.

(Example of Options page) :

AndyB Approval queue thread date-1.webp

Features :

All phrases start with approvalqueuethreaddate_ for your convenience.

Questions and answers:

Q: Can the thread starter make replies to their unapproved thread?
A: No.
XF 2.2  [OzzModz] Content Badges  2.0.1 Patch Level 1
XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3  AndyB User upgrade expired reminder  1.3


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