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AndyB Country flag select

XF 2.1 / 2.2 AndyB Country flag select 1.5

Description :

Allows members to select their country flag.

(Example of country flag) :

AndyB Country flag select-1.webp

(Example of Country flag select link) :

AndyB Country flag select-2.webp

(Example of Country flag select page) :

AndyB Country flag select-3.webp

Features :
  • Members can choose their country flag.
  • All phrases start with countryflagselect_ for your convenience.
Setup step 1 :

Create a /misc directory in your web root.

Setup step 2 :

Copy the flags directory from the add-on directory to the /misc directory.

Example : [URL='https://domain.com/misc/flags']https://domain.com/misc/flags[/URL]

Setup step 3 :

Go to the Options page and enter the URL and Path.

Setup step 4 :

Go to the Style properties and select Custom fields:

Admin control panel -> Appearance -> Style properties -> Messages -> Message user info elements -> Custom fields

Database changes :

A new field called andy_county_flag_select is added to your xf_user table.

Questions and answers :

Q: Will the country flag show automatically for each member?
A: No. Members must choose their country flag for it to be displayed.

Q: When I hover the flag with my mouse, the country name is displayed in English, can I phrase this to show the country in another language?
A: No.

Q: Can I add my own flags?
A: Yes. Simply copy any 32x32 PNG image to the flags directory.

Q: Can I easily see which members have selected their country flag?
A: Yes. Just add countryflagselect/list to your forum URL.

Country flag select v1.1 changes : Added 'Select' user group permission.

Country flag select v1.2 changes : Added missing phrase countryflagselect_select.

Country flag select v1.3 changes : Updated option description.

Country flag select v1.4 changes : Removed Path in options page. The URL setting in the options page no longer uses the trailing slash.

Country flag select v1.5 changes : Now shows flag in responsive.


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