AndyB Delete posts keywords 1.4

XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3 AndyB Delete posts keywords 1.4

Description :

Delete posts by keywords.

This add-on is designed for admins to be able to delete posts by keyword. This add-on is very useful for deleting quoted posts of a member.

(Example of Delete posts keywords search page) :


(Example of Delete posts keywords confirm page) :


(Example of Options page) :


(Example of User group permissions) :


Features :
  • Physically deletes all posts which contains keywords in the message.
  • Option to limit the number of posts to delete at one time.
  • All phrases start with deletepostskeywords_ for your convenience.
Settings :
  1. Set the Administrative user group to Yes.
  2. Make sure you're a Super moderator and have all permissions.
How to use :
  1. Enter "deletepostskeywords" after the root portion of your forum URL.
  2. Confirm the post that will be deleted and click the Delete X posts link.
Delete posts keywords v1.2 changes : Now using finder for performing database queries.

Delete posts keywords v1.3 changes : Added delete-confirm page which indicates posts have been successfully deleted.

Delete posts keywords v1.4 changes : After posts are deleted, confirm message now displays properly.
Download V1.4 :
XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3  AndyB New members 1.6
XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3  AndyB XFMG media width 1200 1.0
@appsf The links work great, you have to copy the entire URL and download the product you want, do not click directly on the link because I have embedded "Anonym-URL".