• Webmaster forum we offer you the best experience with our webmaster site and freelancer forum categories where you can share information on topics such as web development and digital marketing!
    This forum has officially become a paid forum. Unfortunately for various reasons we have blocked free downloads because they were sharing updated resources on other forums. If you want to buy a subscription you can do so by simply clicking on "Upgrade" and download all the resources you want.
    Thanks in advance.
AndyB Donation reminder

XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 AndyB Donation reminder 1.3

Description :

Sends an email to members reminding them that your forum runs on donations.

This add-on is designed to be run manually, there is no cron option. I suggest not sending out emails too often as that can very easily have a negative effect.

(Example of email message) :

AndyB Donation reminder-1.webp

(Example of Options page) :

AndyB Donation reminder-2.webp

(Example of Donation reminder confirm page) :

AndyB Donation reminder-3.webp

(Example of Donation reminder sent page) :

AndyB Donation reminder-4.webp

Features :
  • Configurable options page.
  • Confirmation page indicates how many emails will be sent.
  • Ability to send a test email.
  • Emails are never sent to banned, invalid, or members that have selected not to receive site mailings.
  • Unsubscribe link provided
  • All phrases start with donationreminder_ for your convenience.
How to use :
  1. Enter information into the Options page.
  2. Enter 'donationreminder' to your forum URL and press enter.
  3. A confirmation page will indicate how many emails will be sent.
  4. Click link to send emails.
Test username :
You can always send a test email by entering your username into the 'Test username' in the Options page.
XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2  AndyB Upgrade check  1.0


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