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AndyB Email log

XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3 AndyB Email log 2.6

Description :

Logs emails that are sent from your forum.

(Example of Email log link) :

AndyB Email log-1.webp

(Example of Email log page) :

AndyB Email log-2.webp

(Example of Options page) :

AndyB Email log-3.webp

(Example of User group permissions) :

AndyB Email log-4.webp

Requirements :

This add-on requires the use of the default email transport method.

AndyB Email log-5.webp

Installation :
  1. Download Andy-EmailLog-1.6.zip and unzip it.
  2. Copy the src/addons/Andy/EmailLog directory to your server.
  3. From the Admin Control Panel Install the add-on.
User group permissions :

Set the Administrative user group to Yes.

Email log v1.7 changes : Now compatible with PHP 7.4.

Email log v1.8 changes : Requires XF 2.2 or newer.

Email log v1.9 changes : Username now brings up member card.

Email log v2.0 changes : Fixed issue with email log not showing if email was not found in xf_user table.

Email log v2.1 changes : Added Days to options page.

Email log v2.2 changes : Added Statistics link to allow seeing number of emails sent in time frame selected.

Email log v2.3 changes : Compatible XF 2.x versions: 2.3

Email log v2.4 changes : Fixed issue with code compatibility.

Email log v2.5 changes : Fixed issue where "Call to undefined method Symfony\Component\Mime\Message::getTo()" server error log was being created.

Email log v2.6 changes : Now can also show statistics using keywords in search criteria.
XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3  AndyB Pagination responsive  1.1
XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3  AndyB Direct message search plus  1.6


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