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AndyB Shop Amazon

XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 AndyB Shop Amazon 1.4

Description :

Shop Amazon widget.

(Example of Shop Amazon widget) :

AndyB Shop Amazon-1.webp

(Example of Options page) :

AndyB Shop Amazon-2.webp

Feature :
All phrases start with shopamazon_ for your convenience.

Copy files :
Locate the following two files in the src/addons/Andy/ShopAmazon folder:
Copy them to an images folder on your server.

Options page :
Update the Shop Amazon options page.

Widget setup :
Admin Control Panel -> Appearance -> Widgets
Add widget
Select Shop Amazon and Add widget
Enter the following :

Widget key = shop_amazon
Title = {leave blank}
Display in positions = Forum list: Sidebar

Shop Amazon v1.1 changes : Updated description phrase.

Shop Amazon v1.2 changes : Added User group permissions.

Shop amazon v1.3 changes : Added dimensions to img tags.

Shop Amazon v1.4 changes : Updated template code.
XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2  AndyB Warn thread  2.0
XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2  AndyB Shop eBay  1.2


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