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    This forum has officially become a paid forum. Unfortunately for various reasons we have blocked free downloads because they were sharing updated resources on other forums. If you want to buy a subscription you can do so by simply clicking on "Upgrade" and download all the resources you want.
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AndyB Trader

XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 AndyB Trader 3.1

Description :

Allows giving feedback on sellers and buyers.

The Trader add-on is designed to work on forums that use threads and posts to describe items for sale.

Example of Trader history link in thread view :

AndyB Trader-1.webp

Example of Trader history page :

AndyB Trader-2.webp

Example of Selling history page :

AndyB Trader-3.webp

Example of Options page :

AndyB Trader-4.webp

Example of User group permissions :

AndyB Trader-5.webp

Features :

  • Trader history button in thread view.
  • Trader history button in profile page.
  • Trader history button in member card.
  • Members can provide feedback on sellers and buyers.
  • Members can edit their rating for specified time.
  • Admin can edit or delete any rating.
  • All phrases start with trader_ for your convenience.
User group permissions :
  1. View- Ability to view seller and buyer feedback.
  2. Rate- Ability to provide seller and buyer feedback.
  3. Admin- Ability to edit or delete any feedback.
Database changes :

This add-on creates a table called xf_andy_trader in your database. It also adds two fields to your xf_user table.

Import :

An importer is available for the following add-ons :

Trader XF1
Trader Feedback System

Please contact Andy about importing. Note, you must have an empty xf_andy_trader table for the import process to function.

Questions and Answers :

Q: Can you include a link to the thread a feedback was given?
A: No. Classified threads are often deleted, clicking on dead links is not good.

Trader v2.7 changes : Updated template code to work properly on third party styles.

Trader v2.8 changes : Fixed issues with multibyte and email language support.

Trader v2.9 changes : Added check for invalid user ID.

Trader v3.0 changes : Fixed issue with null condition server error.

Trader v3.1 changes : Updated templates. Now using phrases which are more compatible with other languages.
XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2  AndyB New thread email staff  1.3
XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2  AndyB Edit delete limit by forum  1.1


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