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XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3 AndyB Upload manager 1.3

Description :

Converts uploaded PNG images to JPG images.

PNG images are very wasteful as they are 10 times the size of a JPG image of same size. This add-on will convert PNG imaage to JPG images in the following areas which use the editor: thread posts, conversation messages, resource manager and media manager.

Questions and answers :

Q: Will it work if I paste an image into the editor?
A: Yes.

Q: I'm using an Apple retina display, will images pasted from the clipboard be correctly resized with this add-on?
A: Yes.

Upload manager v1.1 changes : When pasting clipboard image into the editor, a border will be added to the image.

Upload manager v1.2 changes : Updated compression setting.

Upload manager v1.3 changes : Compatible XF 2.x versions: 2.3
XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3  AndyB Similar resources  2.3


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