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AndyB Video

XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 AndyB Video 1.7

Description :

Adds Video Custom BB codes.

Allows adding a URL with either the MP4 or WEBM extension and upon saving the post will automatically add a video tag and embed a video player.

Live example here: Video example

(Example of video URL pasted into editor) :

AndyB Video-1.webp

(Example of post with video player) :

AndyB Video-2.webp

Features :
  • Uses HTML <video> tag.
  • Plays MP4 and WEBM files.
  • Uses full URL in text portion of the BB code.
  • URL's can be internal or external.
  • Plays on all popular browsers.
  • Automatically resizes player to fit mobile phones.
Setup :

Open the extra.less template and add the following code :

You must log in to view
(8 lines)

How to use :
  1. Create or edit a post.
  2. Paste a video URL that ends with .mp4 or .webm extension.
  3. Save post.
  4. Click the play button to watch video.
Video v1.1 changes : Added ability to paste URL that ends in .mp4 and auto-embed video tags.
Video v1.2 changes : Updated regex. Now only .mp4 extension are auto-embedded.
Video v1.3 changes : Now supports webm videos.
Video v1.4 changes : Now works with XF v2.0 and v2.1.

Video v1.5 changes : Code now only runs if post message is new or edited.

Video v1.6 changes : Fixed issue if post contains empty video tag it no longer throws a server error.

Video v1.7 changes : Added Options page. Now has the ability to exclude any domain.


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