• Webmaster forum we offer you the best experience with our webmaster site and freelancer forum categories where you can share information on topics such as web development and digital marketing!
    This forum has officially become a paid forum. Unfortunately for various reasons we have blocked free downloads because they were sharing updated resources on other forums. If you want to buy a subscription you can do so by simply clicking on "Upgrade" and download all the resources you want.
    Thanks in advance.
Apex - PixelExit.com

XF Style Apex - PixelExit.com 2.2.6

Apex PixelExitcom-1.webp


Apex is a lightweight dark style using only CSS backgrounds and minimal images for icons. Easily change the dominant blue color within the color palette to what you like.

Apex comes packed with options included in the parent style XenBase. Enjoy not having to install add-ons or do some of the most popular template edits. Makes changes simply by enabling the options you want, no extra overhead as great care was taken to make sure only the needed CSS or HTML is called properly.

Apex PixelExitcom-2.webp

XB is the framework that powers all of our styles. We are constantly evolving and improving the framework to make it the best possible experience for you. It includes hundreds of options for you to customize and really make your style your own.

Apex PixelExitcom-2.webp

We've been working on XenForo since the day it launched. Our commitment to you and your forum is second to none. You can rest easy knowing if an issue or question arises we'll be there.

Apex PixelExitcom-2.webp

Don't worry... we won't bounce you around to developers if there's a clash with our styles and an add-on. We'll do anything in our power to get the problem fixed or provide any reasonable solution for the developer.

Apex PixelExitcom-2.webp

We're including pre-built general page assets so you can create custom pages that work with your style. (coming soon)

Apex PixelExitcom-2.webp

Ever wanted one of those nice large footers? XenBase has the ability to set up a unique custom footer easily. We've included multiple widgets you can choose from for each block.
XF Style  Empire  2.2.2
XF Style  EXPerience  2.2.5


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