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Chat 2 by Siropu

XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 Chat 2 by Siropu 2.3.5

This is an AJAX based chat application that does AJAX calls to the server to get new messages.

Chat 2 by Siropu-1.webp

Main Features
  • Rooms
  • Dedicated guest room with nickname support
  • Archive with search criteria
  • Top chatters page
  • Private conversations
  • Sound, desktop & browser tab notification
  • Global user commands (21 commands that you can manage and you can also add you own custom commands)
  • Custom user commands (Can be used to set predefined messages/responses via command)
  • User settings
  • User status
  • User group permissions
  • User sanctions (Mute/Kick/Ban)
  • User image uploads
  • Style properties
  • Lots of admin options to enable/disable certain features
  • Bot notifications for new threads, new posts, new users, new Resource Manager resources, new Media Gallery albums/media/comments
  • Bot responses that can be trigger by predefined keywords
  • Bot messages that are posted automatically at set time/date
  • Display notices in rotation (can be edited via the built in rich text editor)
  • Display ads in rotation
  • Set chat rules page
  • Rooms widget
  • Top chatters widget
  • Active users widget
Chat is loaded as a widget and you can customize the widget to load the chat at certain times on certain devices.

Chat uses the built in XenForo rich-text editor and you can disable individual buttons/BB codes.

Room options
  • Name
  • Description
  • Room users (optional with user permission) - Allow room access to certain users.
  • Password (optional with user permission)
  • User groups - Allows you to enable room access based on user group (admin option)
  • User language - Allows you to display room based on the user's account language setting (admin option)
  • Read only - Allows you to make room read-only (admin option)
  • Locked - Allows you to lock the room until a certain date (admin option)
  • Can leave room - Allows you to control if the user can leave or not the room once joined (admin option)
  • Minimum time between messages - Users will have to wait this many seconds between posting messages. (admin option)
  • Auto-prune messages every x hours (admin option)
  • Thread ID - If you set a thread ID, messages posted in the room will also be posted in the thread (admin option) In ACP there is an option that allows you to set the minimum length required for a message in order to be posted in a thread. (admin option)
  • Enable thread reply - Thread replies will get posted in the room. (admin option)
Room message features
  • Simple Like/Unlike or Reactions
  • Quote
  • Link
  • Report
  • Edit
  • Delete
Conversation message features
  • Simple Like/Unlike or Reactions
  • Quote
  • Report
  • Edit
  • Delete
When scrolling to the end of the messages in both rooms and conversations, a button will show up to load more messages.

You can also use the /find command followed by a keyword to search for messages.

Demo (Guest Mode) can be seen here: Chat

Version 2.1.1 Improvements & Bug Fixes :
Added archive option to delete multiple messages at the same time.
Added /prune command option to delete the last x messages in a room by specifying a number after it (no more than 99).
Added option to disable room tab user count.
Added option to disable conversations tab online user count or display unread message count instead.
Added chat bar option to disable chat with one click.

Bugs Fixed:
Error with conversation likes.
Action logger not deleting older entries.
Embedding individual rooms on different pages can display the room with XF header and footer.
User status is displayed on chat refreshes even if the user has disabled statuses in user settings.
Issue with switching from private conversations to public chat when rooms are disabled.
Other code issues.

Version 2.1.2 Improvements & Bug Fixes :
Smilies will now be displayed in the chat bar.
Private conversations will now work with the user privacy setting "Allow users to… Start conversations with you".
User mention alerts will now display the room name. (Phrase siropu_chat_x_mentioned_you_in_a_chat_message has been changed to siropu_chat_x_mentioned_you_in_a_chat_message_in_room_x)

Bugs Fixed
Incompatibility error with TH Reactions Plus.
Member card "Start chat" displaying when it shouldn't.

Version 2.1.3 Improvements & Bug Fixes :
Added permission validation for forum notifications (It will work only for notifications posted after the upgrade).
Disabling the Chat will display the button to enable on the same place.

Bugs Fixed
Chat user preferences for alerts and push notifications not displaying due to content type changes.
Message actions in a password protected room giving an error for users who cannot bypass room password.

Version 2.1.4 Bug Fixes:
Add Bookmark
Added missing sentences.
Auto-scroll not working in full page/popup in Firefox.
Issue with new lines in Firefox when clicking to bookmark a user or send a whisper.
Users are not sorted when updating when using alphabetical order.
Chat browsing user count not updating properly.
Potential issue with duplicating users in chatter list in some cases.
Widgets missing some attributes.
Issue with grid display in widgets.

Version 2.1.5 Bug Fixes:
Add Bookmark
Added missing sentences.
Autoscroll not working in full page/popup in Firefox.
Issue with new lines in Firefox when clicking to bookmark a user or send a whisper.
Users are not sorted when updating when using alphabetical order.
Chat browsing user count not updating properly.
Potential issue with duplicating users in chatter list in some cases.
Widgets missing some attributes.
Issue with grid display in widgets.

Version 2.1.6 Correction des bugs :
Not deleting reactions when deleting messages.
Phrase issue with action logger and multiple languages.
Possible error in forum activity post notifications.
/prune forum command not deleting forum activity notifications.

P.S. I have added a templater function to display the number of unread private conversation messages: {{ siropu_chat_unread_conv_count() }} for those who want to use it in custom places.

Version 2.1.7 Bug Fix : Fixed an issue where invalid command arguments throws an error.

Version 2.1.8 Improvement :
Added option to reset joined rooms for all Chat users. This can be useful if you want to set new default joined rooms or if you want to set up the Chat as a Shoutbox. The option is found in the Options user menu and requires permission "Reset user data" under "Chat admin permissions"..

Chat 2 by Siropu-2.webp

This is an AJAX based chat application that does AJAX calls to the server to get new messages. Main Features Rooms Dedicated guest room with nickname support Archive with search criteria Top...

Version 2.1.9 Improvement & Bug Fixes :
Added admin option to automatically logout users from all joined rooms when they logout from the site.

Bugs Fixed :
Having the permission to change display mode and then not, Chat still uses the same position set in the user setting until any of the settings are changed.
Tab room active user count not displaying when first joining the room.

Version 2.1.10 Improvement & Bug Fixes :
Added option to edit post author. Requires Chat moderator user group permission "Can change author".
Added admin option to hide the Chat on certain pages when using "All pages mode".
Added right Chat navigation icon with active user count on mobile when Chat navigation is enabled.

Bugs Fixed :
Ordering users by most active not working on list update.
Saving message color saves the settings twice.
Using rgba in message color resulting in the display of the raw BB Code.

Version 2.1.11 Bugs Fixed :
Fixed an issue where sorting users on list update breaks the user dropdown menu.

Version 2.1.12 Improvements & Important Bug Fix :
Added admin option to strip bb code from thread posts when using the room option to post thread replies in the room.
Added admin option to disable the right side navigation chat icon on mobile view.
Added admin option to choose which message types to display in the archive.
Added "Sanction user" option in chat options menu for easy access.
Order conversations based on new messages.
Added user group permission to allow room admin options.
Added icon next to the room title in room list for private rooms, viewable by users with "Join any room" permission.

Bugs Fixed
Fixed an XSS security vulnerability. Thanks to @oza2012 for reporting it.
Fixed an issue with /roll command where you could roll 0d0 or 1d0.

Version 2.1.13 Improvements & Bug Fixes :
Added RSS feed for rooms.
Fixed an issue with All pages display mode and Change display mode permission where a wrong css class is used.

Version 2.1.14 Improvements & Bug Fixes :
Fixed an issue in shoutbox mode where you can leave the room and cannot join it again.
Fixed an issue in mobile view where after you submit the message, the editor gets focused and makes the keyboard display.

Version 2.1.15 Improvements & Bug Fixes :
Clicking on a joined room in "Browse rooms", switches to that room tab.
Added some JS code to make some CSS adjustments on UIX when Chat is in all pages mode and uix bar at the bottom at the same time.
"Load more messages" feature is now dependent on "View archive" permission.
"Find" command is now dependent on "Search archive" permission.

Bugs Fixed
Fixed an issue where bot messages are posted at the wrong time.
Some FA icons not working with Chat style properties icon color.
Icons in "Browse rooms" display over search room input when scrolling.
Archive search options too crowded on mobile view.

Version 2.1.16 Bug fix : This release fixes compatibility issues in XF 2.2.x

Other bug fixes

User with no permission to see older room messages after join, can still see the last message in the chat bar.
Clicking on "Sanction" from user menu, doesn't work as expected.

NOTE: This version is for XF 2.2.x only, do not try to update if you are using XF 2.1.x

Version 2.1.17 Bug Fix (XF 2.2.x Only) : Missing JS and styles directories from the zip archive.

Version 2.1.18 Improvements & Bug Fixes :
Added rating option for Giphy command (ACP > Chat > Commands > giphy).
When in All pages mode in mobile view, Chat bar will auto-hide when you focus the editor in a thread or in other places, and auto-show when the editor is unfocused.
Fixed an issue where the lightbox is not working with posted images.

Version 2.1.19 Bug Fixes :
Fixed an issue where editor input is not focused after post is submitted.
Fixed an issue with top chatters order.
Fixed an issue with chat bar display when board is disabled.
Fixed an issue with chat bar display in guest mode.

Version 2.1.20 Improvements & Bug Fixes :
- Added a new command called "export" that allows you to export messages from the current room to a thread with a post author and per post limit.
- Extended the admin option "Disallowed pages" to include all the global display positions.
- Added two new options for "Enabled BB codes": Paragraph format and Insert horizontal line.
- Added a new style property to set content height on mobile.

Bugs Fixed
- A banned/kicked user in shoutbox mode, won't be able to join the chat after sanction expiration.
- Issue with "All page mode" template modification on some styles where the chat is added twice and not working.
- The button to disable chat in the chat bar is displayed even if the user doesn't have the permission to change settings.

Version 2.1.21 Improvements & Bug Fixes :
Added new option "Allowed pages" for "All pages mode" to only allow it on certain pages.
Fixed an error on Top chatters page.
Fixed an issue with cursor set at the start of the input field when using the whisper menu option.

Version 2.1.22 Improvements & Bug Fixes :
Added two new commands: slap and hug. The slap command has an option in ACP (Chat > Commands > slap) where you can set a list of objects that will get picked randomly to slap a user with it.

Fixed an issue with a space added after posting a message.

Version 2.1.23 Improvements & Bug Fixes :
Added room user limit. This allows you to limit the number of active users that can join the room.
Made some changes to the image upload function to use the native XF attachment manager style.
Implemented chat message count update when using user account merge combine feature.

Bugs Fixed
Fixed image lightbox view in the archive.
Fixed issue with sound and tab notification in unfocused pages.
Fixed editor new line break with insert user mention.

Version 2.2.0 New Features & Improvements :
Added "who is typing" feature for both rooms and conversations with the admin option to enable it for each individually. The list of users who are typing is loaded directly from JSON files on the server so performance should be good with this approach. Server side, the file is read using file_get_contents and it requires allow_url_fopen on your server. This feature only works when the page is focused to prevent unnecessary loads.
Made some changes in room embed mode to only display room messages and user list from the room with no other tabs, improving db queries as well.

Version 2.2.1 Bug Fixes :
Fixed an issue with reaction selection not working on popup window.
Fixed a potential error with server Chat data directory permissions on add-on install.
Fixed an issue with guest mode when permissions are not set up correctly and Chat display the "Conversations" tab title.
Fixed an issue with conversations not displaying in conversation popup.
Also, have added a style property for user mention row date for easy styling.

Version 2.2.2 Bug Fixes :
Fixed an issue with "who's typing" where it will not work depending on your setup (rooms only or conversations only).
Fixed an issue where the XF loading indicator appears when sending requests for who's typing.

Version 2.2.3 Bug Fixes :
Fixed a permission issue with forum activity thread/post bot notifications where users with the permission to view the node but not the threads/content can view thread title or post excerpt in the chat.

Version 2.2.5 Improvements & Bug Fixes

Added two new admin options :

Count room reactions
Count private conversation reactions

Deleting a user will also delete their attachments.

Bugs Fixed
Fixed an issue with muted sanction type where messages are still visible.
Board wide banned users can still see Chat in "All pages" mode.
Made some changes to prevent potential front-end errors when upgrading add-on.

Version 2.2.5 Improvements :
Giphy API key used for the /giphy command has stopped working so I have added a command option to add your own API key (ACP > Chat > Commands > Giphy)
Also, a new command has been added called /gif where you can use either Giphy or Tenor as a provider. It require an API key for any of the providers (ACP > Chat > Commands > Gif).

Version 2.2.6 Bug Fix : Fixed an error on sanctions page when using PHP 8.1

Version 2.2.7 Improvements & Bug Fixes :
Added JS pagination for rooms in "Browse rooms" tab and the option to set the maximum number of rooms to display per page.
Right side navigation chat icon has been added via template modification instead of JS.

Bugs Fixed :
Sound notification repetition in private conversations if new messages are received in the current conversation and the main conversations tab is unfocused.
Display issues on mobile devices with toggle chatter list.
User custom message color setting not working on edits.

Version 2.2.8 Improvements & Bug Fixes :
Added the option to use file based "real-time" actions for edit/delete/reaction instead of XF simple cache due to issues on some big boards.
Made some cache improvements for active bot response/message count.

Bugs Fixed :
Misspelling/errors on some phrases.
Issue with some permissions when editing rooms.
Issue with posting on some big boards where room cache not working as expected, causing a permission error.

Version 2.2.9 Improvements & Bug Fixes :
Added /ai command for ChatGPT prompts. (ACP > Chat > Commands > Ai, to set it up)
Fixed an issue with active user count in the right side navigation for mobile.

Version 2.2.10 Bug Fix :
Fixed an issue where the Job for the /ai command doesn't complete after the response.
Also added the parameter "temperature" to control the randomness.

Version 2.2.11 Improvements & Bug Fixed :
Added error log for open AI API to troubleshoot issues.
Fixed a problem on shoutbox mode with board logout and login where no room loads.

Version 2.2.12 Improvements :
  • Added the option to use a custom avatar for ChatGPT bot responses. This is added as an admin option where you can upload the file from there directly.
  • Added the option to use a predefined user account for ChatGPT bot responses. This is in the command settings in ACP.
  • Added the @ tagging for ChatGPT bot when the option to tag users using @ is enabled, to use the command without typing it. Also works when clicking on the bot name when the option to tag by clicking on the username is enabled.
  • Added admin option "Logout inactive users from rooms" to automatically logout out inactive users form rooms.
  • Added a new style property "Add blink effect to chat bar when there are unread conversations". This feature was enabled by default and now you can choose if you want to use it or not.
Version 2.3.0 New Feature, Improvements & Bug Fixes :
Added a new tab called "Polls" where users can create and vote for polls inside the chat with AJAX pagination and search.
Has user group permissions where you can set view/vote/create/edit any poll permissions.
Has admin settings where you can set polls per page, display order, display poll creation date and poll author.
Polls where user has voted will have a green background and text.

Added ChatGPT model selection for AI command where you can choose from versions GPT 3.5 Turbo, GPT 4 and GPT 4 Turbo.

Bugs Fixed
AI responses not displaying in Archive.
Styling issue with rooms widget.

Version 2.3.1 Improvements :
- Added the option to display the number of polls where the user has not voted, next to the "Polls" tab.
- Added the option to embed polls in other posts using BB code.
- Added a new widget to display certain polls.

Version 2.3.2 Improvements & Bug Fixes :
- Added AI command "base prompt" option where you can add custom instructions on how the AI should respond.
- Added new user permissions for poll deletion.
- Added a message overlay when users get banned or kicked after they automatically leave the room.

Bugs Fixed
- Fixed an issue on mobile where you cannot leave the conversation or open the conversation in a new window.
- Fixed an issue with flood check where users could not post directly after joining the room.
- Room search not working when pagination is not present.

Version 2.3.3 Bug Fix :
- Fixed an issue with displaying a "You have been kicked from this room" overlay message when there are no rooms joined.

Version 2.3.4 Improvements :
- Added admin option to disable the room user kick overlay message. It is disabled by default.

Version 2.3.5 Bug Fixes :
- Fixed an issue with direct message link (displayed if view archive permission is set) where users can view messages by message ID when they shouldn't.
- Fixed an error when trying to reset poll votes.
Also, added the quick poll delete link in the Polls tab for each poll.

Version 2.4.0 Update for XenForo 2.3 :
- This version is compatible with XenForo 2.3
Also added the new GPT-4o model for AI command.

Link: XF 2.3 - Chat 2 by Siropu 2.4.0


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