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Custom Tool Bar by Xenbros

XF 2.0 / 2.1 Custom Tool Bar by Xenbros 2.0.5


[Xenbros] Custom Tool Bar

Custom Toolbar is a premium addon extension for xenforo by xenbros, the best vertical xenforo toolbar addon on the market. Advanced toolbar creates closer bonds between your audience and your brand supporting your business goals. Make your forum menu complete!

No limit of blocks
on the request of users i think to make it with no limitation of blocks . you can add as much as you want.

Font-awesome 5 Support
Font-awesome 4 is old in market :) so we add support for both

Left to Right
not every one wanna need every thing right then why don't you go left :D

How it works
Install and activate the add-on as an ordinary xenforo plugin. After installation set user permission after that add tool in bar with [xenbros] bar tab in admin panel.

Review it if you like it :)
Special thanks to @alexD


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