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[cXF] Mega Menu Tab

XF 2.2 [cXF] Mega Menu Tab 1.1.0

Description :
Add a mega menu tab to your navigation with some extra features.

DEMO on customizexf.com

Features :
  • set position of mega menu tab on bigger screens (as first navigation tab or as the last one)
  • set position of mega menu tab on mobile (as top navigation tab or as the bottom one)
  • option to hide mega menu tab on mobile
  • change tab icon
  • set menu width (useful if you add your custom code in template)
  • add up to 7 links right from the Options page (set the title of the link, icon or remove icon only on mobile, URL, how to open a link (same tab, new tab, overlay), set links as "nofollow" or hide a link on mobile only)
  • add custom code to a dedicated template (more in the Q&A tab on customizexf.com) and customize your mega menu as you wish (for bigger screens and mobile templates are separated)
  • option to add widgets to the menu (above or below the content)
Screens :

< mega menu tab position: as first or as last navigation tab >

cXF Mega Menu Tab-1.webp

cXF Mega Menu Tab-2.webp

< example with links and icons >

cXF Mega Menu Tab-3.webp

< example of mega menu with links, widgets, and custom code (via dedicated template) >

cXF Mega Menu Tab-4.webp

*note: you can add almost any widget you want. If you add the HTML widget, you can add any code you want inside. To use the custom code in a dedicated template check the Q&A tab on customizexf.com.

< mega menu widget positions >

cXF Mega Menu Tab-5.webp

< mega menu tab position on mobile: top or bottom >

cXF Mega Menu Tab-6.webp

< example of the mega menu on mobile with links >

cXF Mega Menu Tab-7.webp

< example of the mega menu on mobile with links and widgets >

cXF Mega Menu Tab-8.webp

< options - general >

cXF Mega Menu Tab-9.webp

< options - menu link >

cXF Mega Menu Tab-10.webp

Version 1.0.1 :
changed the PHP file with different approach for tabbed options
option tabs are all phrased now
*the MacroRender.php file can be deleted from server.

Version 1.0.2 : updated the event listener to fix an issue on the "Advertising" and "Notices" page in XenForo

Version 1.1.0 : new : optionally you can now add a title for the mega menu tab.
XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2  AndyB Emoji manager  1.0


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