[cXF] Node Stats Icons 1.0.1

XF 2.2 / 2.3 [cXF] Node Stats Icons 1.0.1

Description :
Easily add icons for node statistics with some extra features.

Features :
  • add icons for Threads and Messages phrases in the node list
  • change icons' look, colour and size
  • change count colour and size
  • option to show icons next to the count or above it (default)
  • option to show node stats below the node title
  • option to show the subforum phrase as an icon (if using it as a drop-down menu)
  • option to change the look, colour and size of the subforum icon
  • all settings are available in style properties
Works with our [cXF] Grid Nodes add-on.


< default look when you install the add-on: icons above count, subforums as icon; all customizable in style properties >


< option: coloured icons next to count, count is a bit smaller, subforums as a red icon; all icons can be changed in style properties >


< option: threads and messages with orange icons are shown below the node title with subforums as a red icon >


Version 1.0.1 : Compatibility fix for XenForo 2.3
Download V1.0.1 :