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[cXF] Register Page Enhancements

XF 2.2 / 2.3 [cXF] Register Page Enhancements 1.0.0

Add some extra features to the register page.

  • option to show the side navigation of the account with account links (only after the user account is confirmed)
  • add notice for users to check the spam folder (check screenshots below). The text is editable via sentences. Edit the cxf_rpe_spam_notice phrase
  • highlight successful registration
  • two widget positions for register page
  • one dedicated template for enhanced HTML and CSS customizations or just a simple text

< example of register page when user is waiting for email confirmation link >

cXF Register Page Enhancements-1.webp

#1: optional notice to check the spam folder. The text is editable via sentences. Edit the cxf_rpe_spam_notice phrase.
#2: dedicated template. Edit cxf_register_page_enhancementstemplate. Check the Q&A tab for a tip.
#3: widget example below the content. You can add any widget in this position.
#4: widget example below in the sidebar. You can add any widget in this position.

< example of register page after a user account is confirmed >

cXF Register Page Enhancements-2.webp

#1: optional side navigation for an account with account links.
#2: highlighted successful registration notice.
#3 dedicated template. Edit cxf_register_page_enhancements template. Check the Q&A tab for a tip.
#4: widget example below the content. You can add any widget in this position.
#5: widget example below in the sidebar. You can add any widget in this position.

< example of this add-on on our SynoForum.com >

cXF Register Page Enhancements-3.webp
XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3  AndyB New report email staff  1.4
XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2  [cXF] Remove Attachments Link  1.1.3


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