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[cXF] Thread scroll enhancement

XF 2.1 / 2.2 [cXF] Thread scroll enhancement 1.0.7

  • add thread title in navigation or below it when scrolling a thread
  • optionally add a close button to remove the thread title (more information on screens below)
  • optionally add "Currently reading" (or edit the text via phrase!) in front of a thread title (it will hide on smaller screens automatically)
  • show thread title on scroll also on mobile
  • fine thread title position adjustments for distance from top on scroll - useful if you're using a custom style
  • style thread title on scroll in style properties
  • show scroll progress bar at the top of the page, below sticky navigation or at the bottom of the page
  • set scroll progress bar height and color
  • thread title and progress bar works only on thread view
*Compatible with [cXF] Top Navigation and [cXF] Staff bar enhancement (if using sticky bars)


< style properties >

cXF Thread scroll enhancement-1.webp

Version 1.0.5 : updated to work with all thread types in XF 2.2

Version 1.0.6 : bugfix for thread title below navigation: in some cases it can disable links on a page, now it is fixed

Version 1.0.7 : CSS code optimization for all thread view types.
XF 2.2  [cXF] Mega Menu Tab  1.1.0
XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2  AndyB Disallow bold bbcode  1.0


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