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D.C Style - Thumbnail

D.C Style - Thumbnail 1.0.5 Patch Level 6

Additional requirements :
D.C Style - Attachment view

Note : Please uninstall our previous "Thumbnail" add-on before installing this remastered version.

As the previous versions of this add-on still have some errors and have some unrelated functions, we decided to remaster it. From now on, our "Thumbnail" add-on will only cover the thumbnail functions. The "Cover" add-on will be released soon.

Allow users to edit thumbnail images for their threads.
  • Customize thumbnail for each thread. Supports attachment images, external images, and thumbnail from videos on Youtube, Vimeo, and Dailymotion (updating…).
  • Allow custom upload thumbnail image.
  • Add og:image tag for Facebook sharing.
  • Supports permission for each member group.
  • Unzip
  • Upload all contents in upload folder to public_html folder
  • Go to AdminCP -> Add-ons -> Install
  • Go to AdminCP -> Options -> Thumbnail for configurations.
  • Go to AdminCP -> Tools -> Rebuild caches -> Rebuild thread thumbnails to fetch default thumbnails for all threads. This helps increase performance.
  • Go to AdminCP -> Groups & Permissions -> Group -> D.C Style - Thumbnail for permission configurations.
DC Style Thumbnail-1.webp

DC Style Thumbnail-2.webp

DC Style Thumbnail-3.webp

DC Style Thumbnail-4.webp

Version 1.0.0 Remastered :

Note : Please uninstall our previous "Thumbnail" add-on before installing this remastered version.

As the previous versions of this add-on still have some errors and have some unrelated functions, we decided to remaster it. From now on, our "Thumbnail" add-on will only cover the thumbnail functions. The "Cover" add-on will be released soon.

After installing, go to AdminCP -> Tools -> Rebuild caches -> Rebuild thread thumbnails to fetch default thumbnails for all threads. This helps increase performance.

Version 1.0.1 :
Fixed error when rebuilding thread thumbnails.
Fixed no thumbnail link error.
Optimized external images getting function.

Version 1.0.1 Patch Level 1 : Fixed thumbnail function error.

Version 1.0.1 Patch Level 2 : Fixed error when deleting threads.

Version 1.0.2 :
Fixed error when rebuilding thread thumbnails.
Fixed error not rebuild threads that already have a thumbnail.
Added option to enable/disable external images.
Added option to enable/disable media thumbnail images.
Added thumbnail to posts/threads on the search result (can be enabled/disabled in options).
Optimized performance.

Version 1.0.2 Patch Level 1 : Fixed error when rebuilding (with temporarily deleted threads).
Version 1.0.2 Patch Level 2 : Fixed error while rebuilding threads.

Version 1.0.2 Patch Level 3 :
Fixed error not getting images in thread correctly.
Fixed some display errors.

Version 1.0.2 Patch Level 4 :
Minor bugs fixed.
Requires [D.C Style - Attachment View]

Version 1.0.2 Patch Level 5 :
Add the possibility to set maximum image dimensions for custom-uploaded thumbnails.

DC Style Thumbnail-5.webp

Add the possibility to set whether a thread is "video-thread" (Auto-detect by default). If a thread is set to be video-thread, its thumbnail will have an additional play icon.

DC Style Thumbnail-6.webp

Minor bugs fixed and improved performance.

Version 1.0.2 Patch Level 6 : Fix minor HTML errors when displaying thumbnail.

Version 1.0.2 Patch Level 7 : Optimized some CSS.

  • Fixed bug threads didn't automatically apply thumbnails in some cases.

  • Fixed error: "thread_id" values must be unique

Version 1.0.4 :
- Add compatibility to XF 2.3

Version 1.1.4 Patch Level 1 :
  • Add null safety check for "isContainingMediaBbCode" function in Thumbnail repository (Refer to the case of @Otto here: D.C Style - Thumbnail)
Version 1.0.5 :
- Add posibility to use user avatar when thread has no thumbnail if possible (Refer to the case of @El Porcharo here: D.C Style - Thumbnail)

DC Style Thumbnail-7.webp

- Add posibility to set the thumbnail width & height for thread list and widgets separately (Refer to the case of @Capturimage here: D.C Style - Thumbnail)

DC Style Thumbnail-8.webp

In order to the feature "Use user avatar when thread has no thumbnail" to working properly, please rebuild thread thumbnails by visit AdminCP -> Tools -> Rebuild caches -> "Rebuild thread thumbnails" (check the box "Rebuild threads already have thumbnail") and rebuild.

DC Style Thumbnail-9.webp

Version 1.0.5 Patch Level 1 :
Version 1.0.5 Patch Level 2 :
- Added possibility to enable/disable Gravatar when using user avatar to display if thread has no avatar (Refer to the case of @ekool here: D.C Style - Thumbnail)

DC Style Thumbnail-10.webp

- Added possiblity to select "All forums" without having to update forum list manually if there were new forums (Refer to the case of @ekool here: D.C Style - Thumbnail)

DC Style Thumbnail-11.webp

  • Fixed error with thumbnail template macros in tag view page (Refer to the case of @fiebrelectora here: D.C Style - Thumbnail)
  • Fixed error when editing thumbnail in threads (Refer to the case of @fiebrelectora here: D.C Style - Thumbnail)
Version 1.0.5 Patch Level 3 :
- Added posibility to make thumbnail auto rebuilt after thread first post changes (Refer to the case of @Capturimage here: D.C Style - Thumbnail)

DC Style Thumbnail-12.webp

Version 1.0.5 Patch Level 4 :
  • Fixed error missing thumbnail for redirect threads
  • Fixed the thumbnail height issue (Refer to @Capturimage here: D.C Style - Thumbnail)
Version 1.0.5 Patch Level 5 : Fixed error "syntax error, unexpected '->' (T_OBJECT_OPERATOR)"

Version 1.0.5 Patch Level 6 : Fixed errror undefined array keys when install / upgrade


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