• Webmaster forum we offer you the best experience with our webmaster site and freelancer forum categories where you can share information on topics such as web development and digital marketing!
    This forum has officially become a paid forum. Unfortunately for various reasons we have blocked free downloads because they were sharing updated resources on other forums. If you want to buy a subscription you can do so by simply clicking on "Upgrade" and download all the resources you want.
    Thanks in advance.

[DBTech] DragonByte Credits 6.0.4

DragonByte Credits is a highly advanced credits system for XenForo that offers advanced functionality suitable for casual activity and serious eCommerce engines alike.


DragonByte Credits allows you to create powerful "Events" that can occur throughout your forum. With advanced features such as charging, random additions and taxation, you can create truly interesting combination of events that allows you an unprecendented amount of control over your credits.

Our Currency Manager allows you to create virtually unlimited different currencies, each with their own set of Events. Want to make a premium currency that can only be earned a certain way? DragonByte Credits gives you the tools to do so.

Backed up by an advanced Transaction Log, you'll know exactly where all your credits come and go.

Major Features

DragonByte Shop Integration:
All of your DragonByte Shop purchases will show up in DragonByte Credits, allowing you to fully utilise the power of the Credits mod to support your Shop!

Powerful Events: You can create events and fine tune their functionality quickly and easily, with support for most XenForo functionality.

Event transaction moderation: You can now optionally moderate each and every transaction for any given event. This is particularly useful if you have, for instance, a Redeem event that's supposed to be secret but you suspect the code has been shared. Events will appear in the Approval Queue where moderators with the appropriate permission will be able to approve or reject it.

Redemption Codes: Via the "Redeem" event, you can create coupon codes your users can apply to instantly earn credits!

[CHARGE=X] BBCodes: Via the "Content" event, users can charge other users to view certain content.

Alerts: Full XenForo Alert support for all 30+ event types (current & upcoming)!

Developer Friendly: Powerful callback support for all Credits actions, as well as full XFCP support for extending virtually every piece of functionality and every action page!

Complete Feature List

Currency Management

  • Allows you to create different currencies stored in different database tables or columns
  • Control the rounding applied to the currency
  • Choose how to handle negative credits (reset to 0, show 0 or allow negatives)
  • Choose the currency's visibility (show to designated usergroups, show to self and designated usergroups, or show to everyone)
  • Prefix and Suffix support for display purposes
  • Advanced settings to control table integration
Event Trigger Management
  • Review a list of the different events, grouped by category
  • While in debug mode, settings can be altered if you are creating a new event trigger or you know what each setting does
  • Event Triggers are grouped under Accounts, Time, Discussions, Networking, Sharing, Behaviour or Options
  • Inactive event triggers are not yet implemented and will be enabled in a future version
Event Management
  • Review a list of the different events, grouped by currency
  • Create new events with powerful options (see screenshots)
  • Mass update the events from the list view
User Management
  • Search for users using the same search fields as the normal XF AdminCP user search
  • View a paginated list of users & their credits values for each of your currencies
  • Quickly update any user's points, complete with transaction log support (will show as "Adjustment by administrator" in the "Notes" field)
  • Full XenForo Alert system support
  • Unique phrases for every combination of currency movement for all 30+ event types (current & upcoming)
  • Can be enabled/disabled per-event
Criteria: Fewer than X Credits
  • Ability to create trophies etc. using "Fewer than X <currency>" criteria
Criteria: More than X Credits
  • Ability to create trophies etc. using "More than X <currency>" criteria
Events are how you let members earn credits. You can create as many events from each of the event triggers as you want.
  1. Purchase - Buying internet points with real money via PayPal.
  2. Content - Using [CHARGE=X] BBCode to charge other users to see your post's content.
  3. Redeem - Using a redemption code
  4. Adjust - Manipulating the currency of someone else.
  5. Conversation - Sending a Private Message
  6. Donate - Transferring currency to another user.
  7. Download - Downloading a forum attachment.
  8. Downloaded - Someone else downloading your attachment.
  9. Thread - Posting a new thread
  10. Post - Adding a post to a thread
  11. Reply - Someone else posting in your thread
  12. Post Like - Liking a post
  13. Post Liked - Someone else liked your post.
  14. Post Rate - Rating a post using the "Post Ratings" mod
  15. Post Rated - Someone else rated your post using the "Post Ratings" mod
  16. Profile - Someone else viewing your profile. Events should be limited.
  17. Visit - Viewing a profile. Earning events should be limited. Charged events will lock out guests.
  18. View - Viewing a thread. Charged events will lock out guests.
  19. Viewed - Someone else viewing your thread. Events should be limited.
  20. Upload - Uploading a new attachment.
  21. Tag - Applying a descriptive label to a thread.
  22. Revive - Posting in a dormant thread.
  23. Message - Leaving a message on someone else's profile
  24. Messaged - Someone else leaving a message on your profile
  25. Warning - Receiving a Warning
  26. Daily Activity - Awarded on first login each day
  27. Follow - Following someone
  28. Followed - Someone else following you
  29. Poll - Posting a poll
  30. Vote - Voting in a poll
  31. Sticky - Your thread becoming sticky
  32. XenForo Media Gallery Upload - Uploading new MediaGallery Media.
  33. XenForo Media Gallery Download - Usergroups that can be affected by this event
  34. XenForo Media Gallery Downloaded - Someone else downloading your MediaGallery media.
  35. XenForo Media Gallery Comment - Adding a comment to a MediaGallery media resource.
  36. XenForo Media Gallery Commented - Someone else commenting on your MediaGallery media resource.
  37. XenForo Media Gallery Rate - Rating MediaGallery media.
  38. XenForo Media Gallery Rated - Someone else rated your MediaGallery media.
  39. Transfer - Moving your own currency from one form to another.
  40. XenForo Resource Manager Upload - Uploading a new XenResource resource.
  41. XenForo Resource Manager Update - Adding an update to a XenResource resource.
  42. XenForo Resource Manager Download - Downloading a XenResource resource.
  43. XenForo Resource Manager Downloaded - Someone else downloading your XenResource resource.
  44. XenForo Resource Manager Comment - Adding a comment to a XenResource resource.
  45. XenForo Resource Manager Commented - Someone else commenting on your XenResource resource.
  46. XenForo Resource Manager Rate - Rating a XenResource resource.
  47. XenForo Resource Manager Rated - Someone else rated your XenResource resource.
  48. Interest - Growing the value of your currency over time.
  49. Taxation - Reducing the value of your currency over time. Optionally transfer taxed credits to a certain user.
  50. Paycheck - Occurs at regular intervals.
  51. Trophy - Being awarded a new trophy.
  52. Registration - A new user registers on the forum.
  53. Give Warning - Applying a warning to someone else.
  54. Upload Avatar - Uploading a new avatar.
  55. Report Content - Reporting a piece of content to the moderators.
  56. Reported Content - Your content was reported to the moderators.
Some events can be limited by user group and/or forum. Other settings are available per event.

All events have the following Advanced Settings:
  • Frequency
  • Maximum Applications
  • Limit Period
  • Alert
If you like this add-on, please consider leaving a Like and/or a review. We would really appreciate it !

More info here : [DBTech] DragonByte Credits

Version 5.5.0 beta 1 Update highlights
This version adds one of the most frequently requested features: The ability to add DragonByte Credits as a payment profile!
You can apply this payment profile to things like user upgrades, DragonByte eCommerce products, and more! This feature will work with any 1st party or 3rd party system that uses XenForo's built-in payment profile system to handle payments.
When configuring the payment profile, you will have the option to pick which Credits currency is applied, and also the "Exchange rate". This helps translate your Credits currency to real-world currency. For instance, if you plan to apply this profile to a User Upgrade that costs $4.99, and set the exchange rate to 100, users will need 499 points to buy this upgrade.
Complete Change Log
Feature: Credits as a Payment Profile

Version 5.5.0 Update highlights
This version adds one of the most frequently requested features: The ability to add DragonByte Credits as a payment profile!
You can apply this payment profile to things like user upgrades, DragonByte eCommerce products, and more! This feature will work with any 1st party or 3rd party system that uses XenForo's built-in payment profile system to handle payments.
When configuring the payment profile, you will have the option to pick which Credits currency is applied, and also the "Exchange rate". This helps translate your Credits currency to real-world currency. For instance, if you plan to apply this profile to a User Upgrade that costs $4.99, and set the exchange rate to 100, users will need 499 points to buy this upgrade.
This minor update fixes a couple reported bugs discovered since Beta 1.
Complete Change Log
Fix an issue where negating a skipped event would incorrectly apply - the negation should also be skipped
Fix: Fix an issue where the "Frequency" setting would not work as intended

MediaFire is a simple to use free service that lets you put all your photos, documents, music, and video in a single place so you can access them anywhere and share them everywhere.

Version 5.6.0 Update highlights
This version introduces a few major features.
Where possible, a transaction will link back to the content it originated from. For thread / post events, no titles are displayed as that could potentially cause privacy issues, but clicking on the link will do all the normal permission checks.
The "Maximum applications" event limitation can now be applied per-user rather than globally. This resolves an issue where certain events make more sense to limit per-user and certain events globally.
A few reported bugs were also resolved, the most important of which being a case where the Payment event could fail. To resolve this, old Payment alerts have been removed (even if they were unread), as the data stored alongside these alerts has changed.
Complete Change Log
Link back to the content related to a transaction
Feature: The "Maximum applications" event limitation can now be applied per-user rather than globally
Change: Reworked the installer to make it more manageable going forward
Change: Points columns are now stored with a hard cap of 8 decimals
Change: When Smart Negation is enabled, Negation events will not occur if a matching Apply event is not found
Change: Remove prefix and suffix from currency alert template
Fix: Certain broken threads could produce a server error on rebuild
Fix: XF Media Gallery Comment class extension would eat comments
Fix: Paying with credits could cause a server error in certain circumstances
Fix: Alert opt out phrase for the Payment event was missing
Fix: If no previous transaction existed, ensure we set a sensible default when negating a transaction
Fix: Do not block charged events the user cannot afford if the currency allows negative amounts
Fix: Broken "Payment" event alerts have been deleted

Version 5.6.1 change :
Change:** Make the Charge BBCode parser a bit more dynamic to prepare for other content types *2020-06-05*
Fix:** If the event or currency pertaining to a particular transaction has been deleted, don't try to check permissions *2020-06-05*
Fix:** Fix issue with the Credits payment profile *2020-06-05*

Version 5.6.2 Update highlights
This version implements a workaround for ThemeHouse's UI.X themes that use Material icons rather than FontAwesome icons.
Furthermore, it fixes a few issues reported by the community.
Complete Change Log
Change :
Changed the display style of currency values for Ajust and Donate alert / push phrases
Fix : Support ThemeHouse UI.X themes when the navbar is configured to appear on the right hand side of the navbar
Fix : The currency overlay would not display correctly for mobile users if enough actionable events were enabled
Fix : Fixed an issue with the XFMG Media Create event when certain other add-ons are installed.

Version 5.6.3 Update highlights
This version fixes a bug with the XFMG, that only affected users whose media items required moderator approval.
Complete Change Log : Fix : If XFMG media required approval, credits would be awarded twice.

Version 5.6.4 Update highlights
This version builds on the work done in the previous version by extending support for [CHARGE] BBCode to the following areas :
XFRM Resource Descriptions
XFRM Resource Updates
XFMG Albums
XFMG Comments
XFMG Media Items
Furthermore, a few issues reported by the community have been resolved.
Complete Change Log
Feature :
Add CHARGE BBCode support for XFRM Resource Descriptions, XFRM Resource Updates, XFMG Albums, XFMG Comments, and XFMG Media Items
Change : Posts with CHARGE tags that have a cost of 0 will now be rendered normally
Fix: Fix an issue with deleting transactions after a currency has been deleted.

Version 5.7.0 Beta 1 :
Update highlights
This version contains coding style updates and changes for XenForo 2.2.0 / PHP 7.2.0.
The main change that will become apparent to users is improved link back to a transaction's source content. Rather than simply "Post #100" etc, XenForo 2.2's "content link" system is used to provide rich information such as titles.
Furthermore, a few bugs and usability issues have been corrected.
This version is flagged as a Beta version as it has not been tested on a live site.
Complete Change Log
Feature: Implement content type link for Currency
Feature: Implement better content type linking for transactions
Change: Rename negative handling phrase to better reflect its functionality
Change: Update internal functions to follow new XenForo 2.1 / 2.2 coding standards
Fix: Fix missing space between navbar icon and the text
Fix: Fix permissions sometimes not rebuilding when upgrading
Fix: Don't award credits when a XFMG media item is added if it isn't visible
Fix: Don't award credits when an XFMG comment is posted if it isn't visible
Fix: Don't award credits when an attachment is uploaded if the post isn't visible

Version 5.7.0 Beta 2 :
Update highlights
This version fixes an issue where formatted currency values displayed across the site would display 1 instead of the real currency value. No data was lost, it was a display bug only.
This version is flagged as a Beta version as it has not been tested on a live site.
Complete Change Log
Fix: Fix formatted currency values always returning 1

Version 5.7.0 Gold :
Update highlights
Coinciding with the release of XenForo 2.2.0, all XenForo 2.2 versions are now Gold This is also the last version that will contain the XF 2.2 / PHP 7.2 warning in the release notes.
Complete Change Log
Feature: Rebuild action that updates balances based on transaction log balance values
Fix: Include the optional message in the Adjust alert/push templates

Version 5.7.1 :
Update highlights
This version fixes a server error that could occur as a result of the new "Content title" system in XF 2.2 the transaction log makes use of - if the content was missing, the error would occur.
Complete Change Log
Fix: A server error could occur if the content listed in the transaction was missing

Version 5.7.2 Update highlights
This version fixes a couple issues reported by the community. Most notably, it permits the Registration event to function for forums that require moderation or email confirmation prior to the user being put in a "Valid" user state.
Complete Change Log
Fix : Fixed an issue where integrating with DB Shop would cause a server error if the DB Shop menu is disabled
Fix : Fixed an issue where Registration events would not apply if the user required moderation or email confirmation

Version 5.7.3 Update highlights
This version fixes an issue where the purchase action for the CHARGE BBCode would still assume it only works in posts. It will now try to obtain the necessary info, without making assumptions. You know what they say, when you assume...
This change has not been extensively tested, so if you run into any problems with this working in content types other than posts, do let me know.
As a reminder, the currently supported content types are:
XFRM: Resource Update
XFMG: Album
XFMG: Comment
XFMG: Media Item
Complete Change Log
Fix : Using the CHARGE BBCode on non-post content will now work as intended

Version Update highlights
v5.7.3 introduced a bug where the post author was charged for others unlocking their content, this has now been resolved.
Complete Change Log
Fix : Fix regression in 5.7.3 with CHARGE tags

Version 5.7.4 Update highlights
This update resolves an issue where the contents of [CHARGE] BBCodes could be revealed in the snippet shown to users when receiving "watched thread" emails, if the global XenForo setting to show post contents in watch emails was enabled.
Complete Change Log
Fix : Strip the [CHARGE] BBCode contents when rendering HTML in Email or API contexts

Version 5.7.5 : Fix: When viewing options from pages other than the "Settings" page, a server error could be generated.

Version 5.7.6 Update highlights
This version updates the code for handling the Revival event, which may resolve certain issues with it.
Furthermore, a few other reported issues have been resolved.
Complete Change Log
Change :
Attempt to resolve issues with Revival events
Fix : Fix server error when downloading a resource version
Fix : The Wallet widget would not save the correct values when choosing which currencies to display

Version 5.7.7 Update highlights
This version fixes an issue with the currency privacy setting, as well as a few PHP 8.1 related issues.
Complete Change Log
Fix :
Fix an issue where the "Show to self and designated user groups" currency privacy setting did not apply correctly
Fix : Content type reference in the Transaction entity
Fix : Fix PHP 8.1 compatibility issue

Version 5.8.0b1 :
Change :
Rework Daily Activity, Interest, Taxation and Paycheck to use cron jobs rather than login triggers
Fix : Prevent donating if either source is incapable of sending, OR target is incapable of receiving, donations

Version 5.8.0b2 Fix : The Daily Activity event would not properly trigger while in a cron job.

Version 5.8.1 : This version fixes various issues reported by the community.
Fix : The currency setting "Maximum Earned" did not work as intended
Fix : Internal change to fix a developer-only issue
Fix : Fix missing phrase in Approval Queue

Version 5.8.2 : This version fixes issues with various event triggers not respecting the "Frequency" event settings.
- Fix:* The Daily, Interest, Taxation, Paycheck and Birthday events did not respect the "Frequency" related event settings

Version 5.8.3 :
- This version fixes an issue with rounding errors occurring when your currencies use multiple decimals, as well as an issue with certain events not correctly checking historical records for the Frequency setting.
- Furthermore, internal changes have been made to help avoid issues with currency limits applying when they shouldn't, such as the AdminCP "Adjust" event when editing a user's currencies.
Complete Change Log :
Fix :
Fix rounding errors in transactions when using > 0 decimals
Fix : Fix AdminCP Adjust event being susceptible to currency limits
Fix : Correctly limit transactions based on their transaction date rather than the current time

Version 5.8.4 : This version fixes a server error that would be displayed when creating a new Purchase event.
- Complete Change Log : Fix server error when creating a new Purchase event.

Version 5.8.5 Fix : Fix server error with certain background tasks

Version 5.9.0 :
Feature :
Pay to unlock threads
Feature : Page to see unlocked content
Feature : Expiring credits
Feature : Add support for cookie consent for payment profiles
Feature : Add warning when deleting events that have been used in transactions
Change : Refactored backend code
Change : Bump minimum PHP version to 7.4 and recommended version to 8.2
Change : Standardise payment profile display in the front-end to match XF's Account Upgrades
Change : Payment profile selection in the AdminCP now uses checkboxes
Fix : Fix potential server errors like "Attempt to read property 'node_id' on null"
Fix : Fix compatibility issue with XenForo 2.2.11 and older
Fix : Fix PHP 8.4 compatibility issue

!!!This version requires PHP 8.0+!!!
This version mainly introduces compatibility with XenForo 2.3. The add-on has been fully updated, meaning no compatibility layers such as loading jQuery or other such patches are required for this add-on.

Furthermore, a few reported bugs since the release of v5.9.0 for XenForo 2.2 have also been resolved.
Change : Reduced query count due to new XenForo 2.3 functionality
Change : Update entity references to use class-string
Change : Updated macros to XF 2.3 format
Change : Convert JS to Vanilla JS
Change : Replace various references with class-string<T> equivalents
Change : Update code for PHP 8.0
Change : Add compatibility with new XenForo 2.3 Beta 6 feature
Change : Remove "XenForo" from copyright footer
Change : Necessary changes for the new XenForo 2.3 coding style
Change : Automatically clean up files on upgrade
Fix : Fixed template modifications
Fix : Fix various missing FontAwesome icons
Fix : Fix inconsistent confirmUrl behaviour with deletion
Fix : Fix server error when deleting a whole resource
Fix : Fix server error when rebuilding currencies
Version 6.0.0 Compatible xenforo 2.3
- This version is now considered stable. All known issues have been resolved.
- Fix : Fix "Include guest event triggers" flags for various event triggers
- Fix : Fix "XFRM Resource Upload" event handler

Version 6.0.1 :
- This version fixes an issue where removing an "Access Cost" event would still block people who did not purchase access from viewing the thread.
- Fix : Removing "Access Cost" events would not correctly allow users to view related threads.

Version 6.0.2 :
- This version fixes an issue where the various number boxes used across this add-on would not accept decimals.
Fix : Various number boxes would not accept decimals

Version 6.0.3 :
- This version fixes an issue where various number fields in the database would be limited to a lower number than intended.
- This also updates the database fields to use a different number-storing format. If you notice any unformatted displays (f.ex. 15.00000000 instead of 15.00 or however many decimals your currency is configured with), please let me know so I can fix it in a future version.
Fix : Ensure we support numbers higher than 2147483647

Version 6.0.4 :
- This version fixes a regression where events would not apply correctly due to the changes in v6.0.3.
Fix : Fix events not applying correctly due to the changes in 6.0.3


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