• Webmaster forum we offer you the best experience with our webmaster site and freelancer forum categories where you can share information on topics such as web development and digital marketing!
    This forum has officially become a paid forum. Unfortunately for various reasons we have blocked free downloads because they were sharing updated resources on other forums. If you want to buy a subscription you can do so by simply clicking on "Upgrade" and download all the resources you want.
    Thanks in advance.

[DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce 4.1.2

DragonByte eCommerce is a highly advanced digital retailer for XenForo, containing advanced features such as multiple pricing tiers, coupons and automatic sales.

Fully integrated with XenForo 2, DragonByte eCommerce takes advantage of all built-in XenForo 2 functionality like the new Payment Profile system which allows you to accept payments from different payment processors.


DragonByte eCommerce is the most advanced eCommerce solution fully integrated into your XenForo forum. Create virtually unlimited products and offer them for sale, with digital products supporting multiple pricing tiers for different license lengths, add-on products for optional extras such as Branding Free keys, and more.

Collect information regarding your digital products' installations via license fields that can optionally be made required before download is allowed. Any changes to the license fields will be meticulously logged, and the log entry when a customer downloads a product will contain a snapshot of the license fields as they were when they download the product.

Downloads can be added either as external URLs, as attachments, or auto-generated from a folder on your server. No matter how you choose to store your downloads, you'll find the option you're looking for.

If you so choose, all sales can be subject to sales tax depending on the country of origin of the person purchasing the product. VAT is also fully supported, and the VAT rates are automatically kept up to date, so you will never have to manually keep up with changing VAT rates. Customers can also enter their registered VAT ID to be exempt from sales tax if applicable.

Feature List

Powerful Products:
Your products can have prefixes, tags, a category, product filters to help narrow down a customer's search, requirements, descriptions, and product fields.
Product fields can be used to display other product information in certain areas, so you aren't limited by the input fields provided by default.
Order fields can be used to request information from the customer during checkout, such as if you're selling a service and require access to their server.

Highlighted Pricing Tier: Want to gravitate customers towards a certain pricing tier? You can highlight one pricing tier per product, emphasising it in the purchase overlay and adds a "Most value!" label.

Automatic Invoicing: When users purchase from you, customers fill out their addresses, which is then used to generate an invoice. This invoice is attached to their payment receipt email, and can also be re-downloaded at any time from their order list.

Automatic Discounts: Set up thresholds to create bulk purchase discounts without needing manual interaction. Never have to deal with bulk purchase queries again!

Coupons & Sales: Set up coupons that can be manually handed out to customers, with fine grained access controls. Alternatively, set up a sale that will automatically apply discounts to select products (and display a "Sale" banner on product list), as well as optionally emailing users when sales start.

Sales Tax: Your customers can be charged sales tax based on their location, with complete control over which countries get charged which tax rates. Optionally, VAT support can be enabled, meaning that the countries subject to VAT will have their sales tax rates kept up to date automatically.

User-friendly Orders: If an order is not completed, users will be able to retry the payment via their account page. This page also lists all their existing orders, with the ability to re-download an invoice if needed. Addresses and licenses can also be managed from this page.

License Expiry Reminders: Customers who purchase digital products can get an email reminder when their license is about to expire. They will also receive an alert on the forum when their license is about to expire, and another alert when their license has expired. Renewal cost can be calculated automatically, or set per pricing tier.

Recurring sales: You can configure sales to recur at certain time intervals, or using custom date ranges. This makes recurring sales useful for sales that occur at the same date every year (such as Xmas) and for sales that occur at different dates every year (such as Easter).

Easy License Renewals: If users have any expired licenses, they will see a "Renew Licenses" button on top of their license list. Clicking that button opens an overlay where they can easily renew their expiring or expired licenses.

Permissions: Categories, Products and Coupons are all powered by XenForo 2's permissions system, offering fine-grained access control. For instance, custom work delivered to your clients can be set up to only be accessible by the developer and the client.

License Distributors: Grant certain users the ability to generate licenses via their account page, perfect for any "reseller" deals you may have worked out.

Product Commissions: Define certain users as receiving a percent of sales (not transmitted automatically), and see detailed reports of their outstanding commissions via the AdminCP.

Payment Profiles: With full support for XenForo 2's payment profiles, you aren't locked into PayPal. Install any payment profile you wish, such as Bitcoin, and DragonByte eCommerce will support it.

Alerts: Customers can receive forum alerts and/or email alerts when their watched products are updated. Users will automatically watch products they download or purchase if their user settings are set up to automatically watch content on interaction.

Front-End Management: You can add new products or new downloads to existing digital products via the front-end. It is also possible to grant this permission to user groups, so if you have developers working for you to release new updates, you do not need to grant them administrator permissions!

Advanced Logging: You can browse the following logs; orders, downloads, store credit usage, coupon usage, purchases, commission payments, distributors, transactions.
Via the Order log, you can manually apply coupons to pending orders in order to incentivise completing the order.

Detailed Options: Among the many options available is the ability to automatically email potential customers a reminder after a configurable period of time, with the added option to add a coupon. You can also configure the Terms of Service page that will be displayed during checkout, from a list of your already created pages.

Detailed Income Statistics: You can view a detailed breakdown of all your products' income over time using the same powerful statistics & graphing system used in XenForo 2 itself, to see how your products are doing over time.

Commission Information: If you give other people commissions for some of your products, you can allow them to view their projected as well as past income via their author profile in the front-end. Combine with the powerful front-end product management tools, you never have to give someone administrator access in order to keep them up to date.

Full XenForo 2 Integration: Features integration with the Search, Payment Profiles, Permissions, Likes, Watch system, News Feed, Inline Moderation & more!
  • AdminCP Search
  • Alerts
  • Approval Queue
  • Attachment
  • Change log
  • CLI commands
  • Custom fields (products, orders, licenses)
  • Email Stop system for opting out of emails
  • "Find New" content handler
  • Inline Moderation
  • Member Statistics
  • Moderator Log
  • News Feed
  • Payment Profiles
  • Permissions
  • Reporting
  • Search engine (including ElasticSearch)
  • Sitemap
  • Tagging
  • Warning
  • Widget
You can watch a video preview of an earlier development version here :

If you like this add-on, please consider leaving a Like and/or a review. We would really appreciate it !

More info here: [DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce

Version 2.0.0b2 Update highlights :
This version is a major upgrade that restructures the way product types function.
In previous versions, it was only possible to have "digital" and "physical" products, and all digital products had the same capabilities / functionality; add-on products, licenses and downloads. Not every digital product requires these features, however.
To address this, product types have been re-structured so they are dynamic, making easier to add new ones. The first example of this is the new Service product type.
Services do not have any of the functionality of digital downloads; no add-on products, no licenses and no downloads.
In the future, more product types will be added, such as the ability to sell serial keys for things like games (from a finite, pre-determined stock of keys), and more.
This beta update version fixes a server error during checkout.
Note : If you are running DragonByte Tickets, you must upgrade Tickets to v2.1.0 in order for it to continue working. Failure to do so will cause errors when viewing support ticket threads.
Complete Change Log
Fix :
Fix an issue that could prevent checkout from completing successfully.

Version 2.0.0 Gold Update highlights :
This version is a major upgrade that restructures the way product types function.
In previous versions, it was only possible to have "digital" and "physical" products, and all digital products had the same capabilities / functionality; add-on products, licenses and downloads. Not every digital product requires these features, however.
To address this, product types have been re-structured so they are dynamic, making easier to add new ones. The first example of this is the new Service product type.
Services do not have any of the functionality of digital downloads; no add-on products, no licenses and no downloads.
In the future, more product types will be added, such as the ability to sell serial keys for things like games (from a finite, pre-determined stock of keys), and more.
This version fixes a few lingering issues since Beta 2.
Note : If you are running DragonByte Tickets, you must upgrade Tickets to v2.1.0 in order for it to continue working. Failure to do so will cause errors when viewing support ticket threads.
Complete Change Log
Fix : Fix license expiry date criteria not working when searching for licenses
Fix : Ability to release update via the front-end was missing
Fix : Work around XF bug with entering a non-numeric order ID in order log search

Version 2.0.1 change : Update highlights
This version fixes multiple bugs with the XR Product Manager importer, as well as some minor other issues with product and coupon creation / editing.
Complete Change Log
Fix: Fix missing undelete method
Fix: Product field that were added as tabs had redundant borders
Fix: Prevent a server error by constraining version string
Fix: Correct license alias for XR PM importer
Fix: Add website alias to the "optional extras" licenses when importing XR PM licenses
Fix: Decode purchase state when importing licenses from XR Product Manager
Fix: Various Product Field and License Field fixes for importers
Fix: Perform validation on imported product fields' "display_group" when importing from XRPM
Fix: Removing "Available product filters" and "Available shipping zones" when editing a product was ignored
Fix: Removing all "Applicable products" on a coupon was ignored
Fix: "Available product filters" were not saved on product creation

Version 2.0.2 change : Update highlights
This version adds new developer tools to make running 3rd party code during license purchase / renew / reversal easier, as well as fixing a few other minor issues.
Complete Change Log :
New code event listeners for license purchase, renew and reverse during the order flow
Fix: Correctly redirect to the parent product's Overview page when viewing an add-on product's licensed product page
Fix: Fixed leaving reviews for non-digital products
Fix: Reviews page had redundant borders
Fix: If the country list cannot be fetched, don't block install

Version 2.1.0 Update highlights
This version adds a new back-end statistic for tracking products sold, which is currently only intended to be used by 3rd party developers.
Furthermore, it refreshes the design of the license list by adding direct links to editing license info, and purchasing add-on licenses (if they are available for the license's product). The number one question received @ DBTech is "how do I buy add-ons after buying the product", and it should now be more obvious.
The refreshed license list also displays the product's requirement labels.
The other major change involves VAT and geolocation. It is now no longer needed to enter an API key for a 3rd party webservice, as VAT validation is now done using the VIES validation webservice made by the European Union themselves.
In previous versions, the old webservice was also responsible for IP address lookup, which is now handled by GeoIP instead. This means your customers' IP addresses are no longer transmitted to any 3rd party service.
As a result of these changes, the API Key option has been removed.
A multitude of other smaller fixes have also been included, please see the full change log for more information.
Complete Change Log
"Products sold" statistic tracked per-product (not reflected anywhere in the UI right now)
Feature: Added product requirements to license list
Feature: Added buttons to edit license and buy add-ons to the license list
Feature: Add support for lazy loading for product icons (thanks to @Xon)
Change: Switch geolocating fall-back WebService to a 3rd party alternative
Change: Rework VAT lookup to no longer rely on 3rd party services
Change: Rework GeoLocate service to be more extendable by other add-ons
Fix: Fixed an issue where the store credit amount displayed during checkout was incorrect
Fix: Support ThemeHouse UI.X themes in the "Cart" navbar item
Fix: Ensure the "View API key" & other page action buttons are only visible for the account holder when viewing licenses
Fix: It was not possible to search the download log via transaction ID, so it has been replaced with order ID (thanks to @Xon)
Fix: Include the shipping method in the AdminCP log view
Fix: Corrected a couple phrases on the download management page that pertains to change logs and release notes

Version 2.1.1 Update highlights : This version resolves a few issues pertaining to licenses, where missing records could produce server errors.
Complete Change Log
Change : Licenses are now deleted when a user is deleted
Fix : Ensure expired license alerts only attempt to send for licenses with a valid user record
Fix : If payment was received for a since-deleted order, a server error would occur

Version 2.1.2 Update highlights
A new feature has been added to the order log; CSV Export. After you perform a search from the order log page, a new button will appear to download the resulting log entries.
This export also necessitated a few other features; separate tracking for order paid and order reverse dates. Historical log entries were updated based on payment profile log entries.
Lastly, the order date will no longer update when the order is paid or reversed, since this is now tracked by those two timestamps.
Complete Change Log
Feature :
CSV export of order log entries
Feature : Ability to search for order paid date and order reversed date in the order log
Change : Order date is no longer updated when the order is paid or reversed

Version 2.2.0 Release Candidate 1 Update highlights
This version contains coding style updates and changes for XenForo 2.2.0 / PHP 7.2.0. You must install this update prior to upgrading DragonByte eCommerce: Tickets to v2.2.0.
The most notable changes in this version include:
Product review votes: product reviews support XenForo 2.2's "Content voting" system.
Custom fields for product reviews: Use XenForo's "custom fields" feature to extend product reviews.
Rich release threads: Threads for new updates and new products now use the same wrapper as is found on the product information page, making it easy to access more information or even purchase the product in question.
Other changes include a new "Random" sort order, and the ability to generate a CSV download of an order log search.
Lastly, a few minor issues have been resolved.
This version is flagged as a Release Candidate version as it has been tested on a live site.
Complete Change Log
Add support for LinkableInterface
Feature: Voting for product reviews
Feature: Custom product review fields
Feature: Add new sort order option: Random
Feature: Ability to control sales tax base for digital and physical products
Feature: An order's completed and reversed date is now trackable and searchable separately
Feature: CSV download of order log search results
Feature: Product and Download threads now use the Thread Type system to wrap product info
Change: Don't link to the license info page in the front-end if the license is not visible
Change: Make various custom fields extendable
Change: Apply noindex meta tag to the purchase page
Change: Changes to support the new version of eCommerce Tickets
Fix: The "Downloads" sort order will now work as intended
Fix: Fix permissions sometimes not rebuilding when upgrading
Fix: Fix template modifications for XenForo 2.2

Version 2.2.0 Release Candidate 2 Update highlights
This version contains coding style updates and changes for XenForo 2.2.0 / PHP 7.2.0. You must install this update prior to upgrading DragonByte eCommerce: Tickets to v2.2.0.
This version fixes an issue with clean installs, as well as a couple issues regarding the new "Random" product sort order.
This version is flagged as a Release Candidate version as it has been tested on a live site.
Complete Change Log
Fix :
Clean installs of v2.2.0 would create a server error
Fix : The "Random" phrase in the default order setting was not displaying
Fix : Setting Random as the default order now works as intended

Version 2.2.0 Update highlights
Coinciding with the release of XenForo 2.2.0, all XenForo 2.2 versions are now Gold This is also the last version that will contain the XF 2.2 / PHP 7.2 warning in the release notes.
Complete Change Log
Date and time in the CSV builder now use different columns
Fix: Delete clean-up services would produce a server error

Version 2.2.1 Update highlights : This version updates the UX of the address book feature, by correctly displaying which fields are required.
Complete Change Log
: The default category description's link should now be correct
Change : Required address fields are now marked as such when adding/editing an address
Change : Update bundled Infinite Scroll library
Fix : In certain cases, a server error could be generated when running rebuild jobs or merging users

Version 2.2.2 Update highlights
This version resolves a regression from v2.2.1 where the checkout feature would always require new addresses due to the new "required" attribute, as well as fixing a bug with the XR Product Manager import.
Complete Change Log
Fix saved addresses not being usable during checkout
Fix: Fix server error when importing from XR Product Manager

Version 2.2.3 Update highlights
This version adds support for og:image / twitter:image meta tags for product URLs, making your rich embeds in places like Twitter or Discord show the product's icon.
Furthermore, some internal code tweaks took place, for improved support for Xon's MultiPrefix.
Note : If you are running Xon's MultiPrefix, please update to v2.8.14.
Complete Change Log
Feature :
Add og:image / twitter:image metadata tags for the main product page
Change : Update type hints for Inline Moderation

Version 2.2.4 Update highlights
This version fixes an issue where physical products being checked out as guests could generate a server error when the payment notification was returned from the payment processor.
Complete Change Log
Fix :
Fix guest checkout of physical products causing a server error

Version 2.3.0 Update highlights
The most important part of this release is: This product now requires PHP 7.3. This is a requirement set by one of the most important 3rd party libraries used by eCommerce, so it's entirely outside of our control. This library has had an important update that needed to be included in a release prior to Jan 1st 2021.
Please be aware that if you are not able to update to PHP 7.4 yourself, you should contact your web host and ask them to assist you with upgrading.
PHP 7.2 has been officially declared end-of-life and no longer receives security updates. Continuing to run PHP 7.2 may expose your website to unpatched security vulnerabilities or exploits.
The U.K. will no longer be classed as an EU country as of Jan 1st 2021, and its sales tax rate will no longer be automatically updated past that date.
This version also improves database query performance of the release / download lists in the front-end, meaning the functionality will scale better when you have a lot of releases available.
Complete Change Log
Change :
Multiple performance improvements for download/release list in the front-end (Thanks @Xon)
Change : Updated PHP version requirement to 7.3
Change : The UK will no longer be listed as an EU country as of Jan 1st 2021
Fix : Fix potential server error during checkout

Version 2.3.1 Update highlights
This version includes a tweak for the "Product Variation" styling when adding or editing products, making it look more consistent. It also resolves an issue where the plural phrasing for eCommerce thread types were missing.
Complete Change Log
Change :
Tweaked the product variation section headers in the Edit screen to make them more consistent
Fix : Add missing phrases for thread types

Version 2.3.2 Update highlights
This version updates the Infinite Scroll library to reduce its size, thus reducing load time for first time visitors. Furthermore, a bug has been resolved where an old product release thread would display a server error if the product had since been deleted.
Lastly, a couple bugs with the XR Product Manager importer has been resolved.
Complete Change Log
Change :
Update Infinite Scroll library to reduce its file size
Fix : A thread belonging to a now-deleted product could produce a server error
Fix : Handle additional order states when importing from XR PM
Fix : Fix a server error when importing XR PM Product Fields

Version 2.3.3 Update highlights
This version adds a separate permission for being able to add a new product without requiring moderator approval.
Complete Change Log : Feature: New user group permission: Add products without approval

Version 2.3.4 Update highlights
This version fixes a regression from v2.3.3 where the "submit without approval" was accidentally applied to licenses, not products.
Furthermore, a phrase for "Awaiting payment" has been added to the license page in the AdminCP, for licenses imported from XR Product Manager.
Complete Change Log
Fix : Add missing "Awaiting payment" phrase to the license view
Fix : The "Add products without approval" is now correctly applied to products, not licenses

Version 2.3.5 Update highlights
This version resolves an issue when loading options on certain pages other than the main AdminCP settings page.
Furthermore, an issue with viewing the license page without specifying a license key has been resolved.
Lastly, the product owner was missing from the "Grid" product list style.

Complete Change Log
Viewing a license page without specifying a license key could create a server error
Fix: When viewing options from pages other than the "Settings" page, a server error could be generated
Fix: The Product Owner was not showing on the Grid product list style

Version 2.4.1 Complete Change Log :
Fix :
Multi-attachment downloads would not work as intended
This version resolves an issue where "Attachment" type digital downloads that had multiple different attachments would not work as intended.

Version 2.4.2 Complete Change Log :
Change :
Switch to a more stable method of updating the country list
This version updates the country fetching code to be more reliable, and no longer requires an API key. If you previously had problems fetching the country list, please run the "Update country list" cron job one more time manually, after which the list should populate itself correctly.

Version 2.4.3 Complete Change Log :
Fix :
Fix potential server errors when viewing certain pages
This version resolves a potential server error when viewing certain pages (mostly administrative editing pages).

Welcome to perhaps the biggest update to eCommerce since its launch!
With over two dozen new features, changes and fixes, there's something for everyone. Without further ado, I'll talk about some of the bigger features and changes made in this version.
The biggest new feature is the introduction of an "All-Access Pass" (AAP) feature. Designed for digital downloads, this feature allows you to define a user group to have free access to your products. Licenses created via the AAP will remain valid until such a time as the access lapses (the user is no longer a member of the defined user group).
The idea is that you can sell access to this new user group via the XenForo "User Upgrade" system, with promotional messaging directing users towards said upgrade, which will then enable them to create AAP licenses with one click.
This setup allows you to offer a subscription price for your products, with the full power of XenForo's payment profile system as valid subscription methods.
The next big feature is an entirely new product type; Serial Key.
The Serial Key product type can either use a list of pre-defined keys, or auto-generate keys based on a formula you enter when creating the product. When users purchase a key, an unused key is selected from the list (or generated), and assigned to that license. Buyers will then be able to view their serial key from their license list, same as any other product.
Lastly, SVG files are now accepted for product icons and invoice icons. This allows you to create icons that look good at any resolution.
There's also been over a dozen changes and bug fixes, check the full change log for the details.
Complete Change Log
Feature: All-Access Pass
Feature: New product type: Serial Key
Feature: New widget: Random Products
Feature: SVG files are now supported as Invoice Icons
Feature: SVG files are now supported as Product Icons
Feature: Page Criteria: Is part of "All Access Pass"
Feature: Page Criteria: Categories & Products
Feature: Custom product fields can now be placed in a custom location via manual template edits
Feature: Custom product fields can now be placed below the product info block
Feature: New code events inside the performBuildTasks function in DownloadVersion/Generator service
Change: Update 3rd party libraries to improve PHP 8.1 compatibility
Change: Sales tax field is now shown in the address edit page even if VAT is disabled
Change: Implement isIgnored method to determine whether the current user is ignoring the user who added the download
Change: Order numbers are now displayed in order emails
Change: Product variation is now displayed in the "order fields" block during checkout
Change: AdminCP product list now uses pagination
Fix: Filtering by array product fields, or filtering by multiple product fields, would not work
Fix: Editing a user's address in the AdminCP would not save the "Default address" field
Fix: "Default Customers Group" would not be properly added to new products
Fix: Fix typo in Shipping alert setting
Fix: Fix layout distortion when a physical product is purchased along with another product type
Fix: aria-label was missing from the navbar checkout link
Fix: Only load the eCommerce Cart JavaScript in the front-end
Fix: Fix typo in VAT rate setting
Fix: Fix BBCode parsing in Approval Queue
Fix: Clarify that add-on products cannot be converted to a parent product
Fix: Free orders no longer require payment profiles to be configured
Fix: Users can no longer submit an order if their user state is anything other than "valid"
Version 3.0.0 Patch Level 1 :
This version reverts the ability to use SVG icons for invoice icons, as SVG icons are not compatible with PDF generation libraries being used.
Furthermore, a couple bugs reported since v3.0.0 was released have been resolved.
Change Log :
Revert :
SVGs are no longer available as invoice icons, as this feature doesn't work with all invoice types
Fix : Fix CSRF error when approving products via the action bar
Fix : Public facing Income Stats for commissioned users would produce a server error

Version 3.1.0 :
This version adds a new feature; Product Welcome Emails. When someone purchases a product or renews a license, they're sent a welcome email, if one is configured for that product. Welcome emails are defined per product and can use either HTML or plain text.
Also changed is better support for VAT number validation for United Kingdom VAT IDs.
Lastly, a server error that could occur with guest checkouts has been corrected.
Change Log :
Feature :
Product welcome email, sent to users when they purchase a product / renew a license
Change : The product list API now returns LatestVersion info
Change : Change UTF-8 related functions
Change : Product list filter in the AdminCP now only filters the current page
Change : Implemented alternative VAT number validation for UK/GB VAT numbers
Fix : Fix an error that can occur with guest checkouts

Version 3.1.0 Patch Level 1 :
- A change in the UK tax office's API broke VAT ID validation for UK VAT numbers.
Fix : Account for changed API in the UK VAT validation process.

Version 3.2.0 :
Feature :
Filtering the AdminCP product list uses AJAX and not just filters the single page
Change : Index the tagline into the message body
Fix : Fix an issue where a server error could occur with certain payment processors
Fix : Fix error blocking creation of new products
Fix : changing the title didn't cause the search index to be updated
Fix : "Permanent additional user groups" for a product was not applied when a license is granted via the AdminCP

Version 3.2.1 :
Feature :
New criteria: "User has one or more pending orders"
Change : Update composer packages
This version is a large upgrade with multiple new features and changes, many of which were requested by our community 🎉
The biggest new feature is Order generation / edit in the AdminCP. You're now able to edit Pending orders and add products to a user's cart, change pricing tiers and licenses for digital products' renewal orders. You can also generate a new order either manually or by adding all non-Lifetime licenses to a user's cart, or only add already expired licenses to their cart. You no longer have to ask users "could you please add these products to cart and then I'll add a coupon"!
The user experience (UX) for purchasing has also been improved in a number of ways. Firstly, there's now a "Checkout" button in the purchase overlay, which means fewer clicks if your customers are only interested in purchasing a single product. Secondly, sale information is now also shown on the product overview page, with both the "Sale" banner and the green pricing colour in the Pricing Information box. Lastly, the checkout page has received some back-end changes to ensure required license fields are saved whenever any action is taken; customers no longer need to manually save only those fields before they can do anything else.
Other than that, minor features, changes and features have been added to improve the overall experience. Please see the changelog for the full list of changes.
Complete Change Log
Edit existing pending orders in the AdminCP
Feature: Order generation in the AdminCP
Feature: Pagination in front-end license list
Feature: Add "Checkout" button to Purchase overlay
Feature: Improved checkout flow to reduce friction when filling out custom checkout fields
Feature: Digital products can now have an optional "title" to be displayed instead of the license length
Feature: Also show sale price / sale banner on product overview
Feature: Ability to delete orders "Awaiting payment" older than a certain threshold
Change: Reassigning a license will now also transfer temporary user group changes, if any
Change: Add custom "Your account" phrase
Change: "Your licenses" links will no longer show if the user does not own any licenses
Change: Replace hasOption with callable
Change: Reduce number of queries ran on the license list
Fix: "Renewal cost from x" tooltip will no longer show for products without license functionality
Fix: Fix server error when attempting to purchase a product already owned via All-Access Pass
Fix: Fix server error when trying to perform inline moderation on products in the front-end
Fix: Fix server error with certain background tasks

This version is a large upgrade with multiple new features and changes, many of which were requested by our community 🎉

The biggest new feature is Order generation / edit in the AdminCP. You're now able to edit Pending orders and add products to a user's cart, change pricing tiers and licenses for digital products' renewal orders. You can also generate a new order either manually or by adding all non-Lifetime licenses to a user's cart, or only add already expired licenses to their cart. You no longer have to ask users "could you please add these products to cart and then I'll add a coupon"!

The user experience (UX) for purchasing has also been improved in a number of ways. Firstly, there's now a "Checkout" button in the purchase overlay, which means fewer clicks if your customers are only interested in purchasing a single product. Secondly, sale information is now also shown on the product overview page, with both the "Sale" banner and the green pricing colour in the Pricing Information box. Lastly, the checkout page has received some back-end changes to ensure required license fields are saved whenever any action is taken; customers no longer need to manually save only those fields before they can do anything else.

Other than that, minor features, changes and features have been added to improve the overall experience. Please see the changelog for the full list of changes.

Complete Change Log

Edit existing pending orders in the AdminCP
Feature: Order generation in the AdminCP
Feature: Pagination in front-end license list
Feature: Add "Checkout" button to Purchase overlay
Feature: Improved checkout flow to reduce friction when filling out custom checkout fields
Feature: Digital products can now have an optional "title" to be displayed instead of the license length
Feature: Also show sale price / sale banner on product overview
Feature: Ability to delete orders "Awaiting payment" older than a certain threshold
Change: Reassigning a license will now also transfer temporary user group changes, if any
Change: Add custom "Your account" phrase
Change: "Your licenses" links will no longer show if the user does not own any licenses
Change: Replace [/ICODE]hasOption with callable
[B]Change:[/B] Reduce number of queries ran on the license list
[B]Fix:[/B] "Renewal cost from x" tooltip will no longer show for products without license functionality
[B]Fix:[/B] Fix server error when attempting to purchase a product already owned via All-Access Pass
[B]Fix:[/B] Fix server error when trying to perform inline moderation on products in the front-end
[B]Fix:[/B] Fix server error with certain background tasks

[B][SIZE=6]Version 4.1.1 xf 2.3 compatible :[/SIZE][/B]
- This version primarily fixes an issue where it was not possible to complete an order if the order contained custom user fields. The root cause is a XenForo bug which will hopefully be resolved in a future version.
- The SVG icon handling has also been improved, to prevent XenForo from trying to optimise SVG uploads if you have that setting enabled.
[B]Change :[/B] Remove webp override
[B]Change :[/B] Improve SVG icon handling
[B]Fix :[/B] Work around XenForo bug triggered by orders with custom fields

[B]Version 4.1.2 :[/B]
- This version primarily focuses on Quality-of-Life updates for the order management flow in the AdminCP.
- Furthermore, a potential fix has been added for "A non-numeric value encountered" that affects a very limited amount of users. As this issue cannot be replicated, there is no way to know if the fix worked, unfortunately.
[B]Feature :[/B] New rebuild job: "Rebuild product cost caches"
[B]Feature :[/B] Order log search criteria is now carried over when performing many actions
[B]Fix :[/B] Ensure default direction is respected in the order log
[B]Fix :[/B] Order log search would not correctly set selected values if you were filtering on a single order state
[B]Fix :[/B] Potentially fix an issue with "A non-numeric value encountered"

Version 4.1.1 xf 2.3 compatible :
- This version primarily fixes an issue where it was not possible to complete an order if the order contained custom user fields. The root cause is a XenForo bug which will hopefully be resolved in a future version.
- The SVG icon handling has also been improved, to prevent XenForo from trying to optimise SVG uploads if you have that setting enabled.
Change : Remove webp override
Change : Improve SVG icon handling
Fix : Work around XenForo bug triggered by orders with custom fields

Version 4.1.2 :
- This version primarily focuses on Quality-of-Life updates for the order management flow in the AdminCP.
- Furthermore, a potential fix has been added for "A non-numeric value encountered" that affects a very limited amount of users. As this issue cannot be replicated, there is no way to know if the fix worked, unfortunately.
Feature : New rebuild job: "Rebuild product cost caches"
Feature : Order log search criteria is now carried over when performing many actions
Fix : Ensure default direction is respected in the order log
Fix : Order log search would not correctly set selected values if you were filtering on a single order state
Fix : Potentially fix an issue with "A non-numeric value encountered"


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