• Webmaster forum we offer you the best experience with our webmaster site and freelancer forum categories where you can share information on topics such as web development and digital marketing!
    This forum has officially become a paid forum. Unfortunately for various reasons we have blocked free downloads because they were sharing updated resources on other forums. If you want to buy a subscription you can do so by simply clicking on "Upgrade" and download all the resources you want.
    Thanks in advance.

XF 2.1 / 2.2 [DBTech] DragonByte Mail 4.6.2

DragonByte Mail is a professional mailing list mod with advanced subscription management features. Additionally, it has a newsletter feature that highlights your most popular threads.

DragonByte Mail is the perfect solution for any forum who wish to send out large quantities of mail to users on a mailing list. It lets admins and users have fine-grained access to subscriptions, and also sends out automated newsletters with powerful algorithms for determining popular content.

Major Features:

Analytics Data Gathering:
Data is gathered regarding how many of your users open your emails, and how long they read them for. This can be disabled per mailing list. This data will power advanced delivery features, ensuring maximum engagement with your content.

Automated Newsletters: Your users will receive an email containing the most popular threads since the last newsletter was sent. They can unsubscribe at any moment, or increase/decrease frequency of newsletters, without being logged in.

Automatic "Unsubscribe" Link Creation: A secure link to unsubscribe themselves from the mailing list will be automatically added to the bottom of the mail. It does not require the user to be logged in, so it complies with spam policies set forth by mail providers.

Mail History: Each past sent mail can be viewed at any time from the front-end.

Advanced Subscription Management: Users can quickly and easily (un)subscribe from the mailing list via the mailing list directory, or the admin can manually change the subscription status in the AdminCP.

SMTP Email Validation: Email addresses are automatically validated by connecting to the mail server via SMTP. This feature helps eliminate bounced email before they get a chance to bounce. Validation happens automatically, or you can manually validate them via CLI by running php cmd.php dbtech-mail:validate-emails <numEmails> (where <numEmails> is the number of email addresses you wish to validate).

Complete Feature List


General Settings

  • Display Version Number
  • Include In "Details" Link
  • Affiliate ID
  • Enable Modification
  • Reason For Turning The Modification Off
  • Navbar Tab (Disabled / Left side of navbar / Right side of navbar with the Alert tab)
  • Enable Sign-Up Confirmation (users will need to confirm their subscription to the mailing list)
  • Enable Unsubscription Feedback
Mailing List Management
  • Create unlimited mailing lists with per-list usergroup permissions
  • Search for users to see whether they have subscribed or unsubscribed
  • Toggle users' subscription status
  • Custom "From" email
  • Choose whether to use the XenForo HTML wrapper or entirely custom HTML when sending this email - selecting Custom means you have complete control over the HTML in your email!
  • Optionally instantly send email (recommended only for test mailing lists) or using the XenForo Mail Queue system (recommended for public mailing lists)
  • Override SMTP settings per mailing list
  • Permissions:
    • Can Subscribe
    • Default Subscribed
    • Cannot View List
    • Can View List
    • Can Send Mail
    • Can Manage
    • Can View Stats
Newsletter Management
  • Configure an automated "Reader's Digest" of your most popular forum threads
  • Optionally only include public (guest-accessible) forums
  • Advanced sorting via a powerful algorithm
  • Limit the number of topics included
  • Choose sorting type if "Advanced Sorting" is disabled
  • Excluded Forums
Unsubscribe Feedback
  • When users unsubscribe from your mailing list, they will be asked for optional feedback
  • Add/Edit/Delete feedback options
Keyword Management
  • Users can optionally only receive manually sent mail that pertains to their interests, as defined by these keywords
  • Add/Edit/Delete keywords
Subscription Log
  • Whenever a user's subscription status changes, be it by them or an admin, it gets logged
  • Search the log using user name / start date / end date / log type
  • Paginated list of log entries
Inactive Users List
  • If a user has not been active on the forums for a while, DragonByte Mail will automatically email them asking them to come back
  • Search the list using user name
  • Paginated list of users
  • Rebuild "Default Subscribed" - If you have changed the "Default Subscribed" flag, or created a new mailing list, you can run this action to subscribe your users.
  • Mass Unsubscribe Users - This action lets you unsubscribe all users from one or more usergroup(s) from one or more mailing list(s) simultaneously.
SMTP Validation
  • Email addresses are automatically validated to check for defunct mail servers or potentially bounced mail
  • Manually validate addresses via CLI by running php cmd.php dbtech-mail:validate-emails <numEmails> (where <numEmails> is the number of email addresses you wish to validate).
  • Browsable log of all validation results
  • Email addresses are re-validated every six months

Mailing List Directory

  • List all mailing lists
  • Links to send mail / view mail history / manage keyword subscriptions / (un)subscribe
  • Unsubscription stats
Send Mail
  • If you are using XenForo's HTML wrapper; uses the forum editor to enter the content
  • If you are using custom HTML; offers Plain Text and HTML text areas to enter your content separately
  • Replacement variables allow you to address the user directly with their user name & more
  • Uses XenForo's Mail Queue system to avoid overloading servers / avoid "maximum mails per hour" server restrictions
  • One-click unsubscribe without needing to be logged in
Mail History
  • Displays a list of all mail from that mailing list
  • View the mail in full HTML
  • Unsubscription stats per-email
Version 4.5.1 Update highlights

This version fixes a minor issue with the mail log tracker, where a "Duplicate key x-x for key PRIMARY" could be generated in certain scenarios. This bug did not impact the main functionality of the add-on.
Complete Change Log
Fix : Fix race condition that could create a server error when inserting mail tracking log entries

Version 4.6.0 Beta 1 Update highlights :
This version restores the Digest feature.
Firstly, I want to apologise for how this happened and how I handled this. I did not adequately communicate my plans to remove this feature, and as a result I did not give people a chance to voice their feedback. I arrogantly assumed that people used Digests in an entirely different way (as a way to bring back old, lapsed users), and I did not consider that people might have purchased Mail exclusively for this feature.
To everyone affected by this: I'm sorry. I will do better in the future.
Going forward, if I ever think a XenForo feature supersedes an add-on feature, I will post my plans to remove the feature as an update in the resource @ XenForo.com.
Secondly, I'd like to share the roadmap for the Digest feature going forward.
Beta 1: Restoration of the Digest feature as it was in v4.4
Beta 2: Replace the current "Content type" sections with a custom implementation of the Activity Summary sections
Beta 3: Address feedback with the new "Content type" sections
The reason for replacing the existing "Content type" section with an implementation of "Activity Summary" sections is that not only will it better support core XenForo / official add-ons, but other 3rd party add-ons will likely add support for the "Activity Summary" feature going forward. Being able to automatically support this in DB Mail would be a net benefit.
Unfortunately I cannot give an ETA for when Beta 2+ will be released, since it's going to be a significant amount of work.
Complete Change Log
Change : Restored the Digest feature

Version 4.6.0 Beta 2 Update highlights
As mentioned in the previous update, this change now implements the "Activity Summary" feature into the Digest. If you have any add-ons, official or 3rd party, that adds new activity summary sections, they will now work in DB Mail's digest with no action required on our part.
In order to implement this, you must go to the new "Digest sections" page and add the sections, similar to how you add activity summary sections to XF's default activity summary email. If you do not do this, the digest will not send.
If you installed the previous update that removed the Digest feature, your users' subscription / frequency preferences will have been lost. You may be able to restore these if you have an earlier backup and feel comfortable running SQL queries, though this is not something support will be able to cover.
Beta 3 onwards will focus on addressing whatever feedback you may have for the new system, as well as fixing bugs, before 4.6.0 will be officially released.
Complete Change Log
Feature :
Reworked Digests to use Activity Summary definitions
Fix : Fix server error when viewing digest logs if the logs are not empty

Version 4.6.0 Gold Update highlights
After a reasonable amount of time with this system running on various live sites without any issues, it's time to go Gold
This version fixes a pain point where the "Test Digest" feature would respect the digest's mail queue setting, which doesn't really make sense. The test email will now send instantly.
Below is the info block regarding the Digest changes, for the last time:
As mentioned in the previous update, this change now implements the "Activity Summary" feature into the Digest. If you have any add-ons, official or 3rd party, that adds new activity summary sections, they will now work in DB Mail's digest with no action required on our part.
In order to implement this, you must go to the new "Digest sections" page and add the sections, similar to how you add activity summary sections to XF's default activity summary email. If you do not do this, the digest will not send.
If you installed the previous update that removed the Digest feature, your users' subscription / frequency preferences will have been lost. You may be able to restore these if you have an earlier backup and feel comfortable running SQL queries, though this is not something support will be able to cover.
Complete Change Log
Fix :
Ensure the digest test email is always sent instantly, even if the digest itself is scheduled to use the mail queue

Version 4.6.1 :
Update highlights :
This version resolves an issue when loading options on certain pages other than the main AdminCP settings page.
Complete Change Log : Fix : When viewing options from pages other than the "Settings" page, a server error could be generated

Version 4.6.2 Update highlights
This version resolves an issue with the Digest Email cron job in which it could trigger an error when sending the digest depending on what settings were enabled. Attempting to resume the job (from it sending to too many users) would trigger the error in question.
Complete Change Log
Fix :
Fix potential server errors when viewing certain pages
Fix : Fix Digest causing server error if the global digest section was enabled


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