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[DBTech] DragonByte User Tagging

XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 [DBTech] DragonByte User Tagging 1.7.6

Uses :
The DragonByte User Tagging mod adds multiple new features to your site, including extending the user mention feature to also work for user groups (auto-complete enabled). It also adds the ability to add Twitter-style hash tags to your posts, with auto-complete for existing hash tags used by other members.











These extra features help increase content discoverability and drive user engagement by offering them new ways of interact with each other and with the rest of the site.

Primary Features :

User group mentions:
Typing @ then the name of a user group will mention all users in that user group, with full auto-complete support. Controlled via user group permissions, and works in posts as well as user profiles.

Hash tags : Typing # then any given word will generate a hash tag that links to a search result containing all posts where this hash tag is used. Auto-complete is supported for existing hash tags. Works in posts and user profiles. Users can also watch hash tags from the results page.

User tags : Users can be tagged in threads in a similar way threads are currently tagged with words. Controlled via user group permissions.

Feature List :

User Group Mentions :

The ability to mention user groups are an invaluable tool for active forums who want a quick-fire way of alerting staff members to goings-on that do not warrant a full report, or as a way to alert a small group of members such as site supporters.

You have complete control over which user groups can be mentioned, and which user groups can mention other user groups. For performance reasons, user group alerts are disabled by default and must be enabled on a per-user group basis. You also have a "Can mention user groups" permission to restrict the ability to mention groups.

User group mentions even work in profile posts, and they are styled with the user group's CSS styles !

Hash Tags :

Not only a powerful tool for finding individual posts, they can also be used as a form of expression. With powerful "trending" features powering the "Trending Hash Tags" widget, you will always know what are the most popular hash tags being used across your site.

If your members use hash tags to describe their own posts, you will find they can be an invaluable tool for quickly finding other posts with similar content. DragonByte User Tagging uses XenForo 2's search engine result rendering to display other posts with the same hash tag, meaning no additional customisation if you have already customised your search results on your site. This also means it will be easier to expand support to other content types in the future :)

Speaking of other content types, like user group mentions, hash tags are fully supported in profile posts!

Using the same system as forum and threads, users can also "Watch" hash tags, receiving on-site notifications, and optionally also an email whenever a hash tag they are watching is used anywhere on the site!

User Tags :
Your members will also have the ability to tag other users in a thread, very similar to how content tags are added to threads at the moment. To users with the appropriate permissions, a new option appears next to the existing thread tag feature that will open a very similar overlay to allow them to enter other user names.

Who can tag users in threads is controlled both globally (XenForo options, next to the existing content tag options), per-user group and per-forum. On the subject of forums, the alerts (and search results when viewing threads any user is tagged in) respect forum permissions. Users are never alerted if they are tagged in private forums.

Further than that, each individual member will have a new Privacy option under the "Allow users to..." block, called "Tag you in content".

Notes :
If you like this add-on, please consider leaving a Like and/or a review. We would really appreciate it !

Q: How do I rename the "dbtech-usertag" URL to something else ?
Admin CP: Setup -> Navigation -> Route Filters -> Add route filter
Find route : dbtech-usertag/
Replace with : something-else/

Version 1.6.2 Update highlights :
This version fixes a bug where if you un-tick the registration defaults for this add-on, it would still default the options to "enabled" for new registered users.
Complete Change Log : Fix: Unticking default registration options would not correctly set registration defaults

Version 1.6.3 Update highlights :
This version adds a missing phrase for the user change log, and fixes a formatting issue in the user change log for one of the tracked settings.
Complete Change Log : Fix: Fix missing phrase / formatting in user change log

Version 1.6.4 Complete Change Log :
Fix :
Numbers with punctuation such as "#1," will no longer generate hash tags
This version fixes "list items" like #1, from being generated as hash tags. The system already protected against #1, but now punctuation like that is also guarded against.

Version 1.6.5 Complete Change Log :
This version adds a new option to restrict the minimum length of a hash tag, defaulting to 3. That means that things like #1, will no longer incorrectly be flagged.
Feature : Ability to restrict the minimum hash tag length (default: 3)

Version 1.7.0 Beta 1 Complete Change Log :
This version contains coding style updates and changes for XenForo 2.2.0 / PHP 7.2.0. Furthermore, an issue with saving the per-forum setting has been resolved.
This version is flagged as a Beta version as it has not been tested on a live site.
Feature : Add support for LinkableInterface
Change : Update internal functions to follow new XenForo 2.1 / 2.2 coding standards
Fix : Fix forum type integration
Fix : Compatibility fix for saving the "thread tag enabled" per-forum setting

Version 1.7.0 Gold Complete Change Log :
Coinciding with the release of XenForo 2.2.0, all XenForo 2.2 versions are now Gold This is also the last version that will contain the XF 2.2 / PHP 7.2 warning in the release notes.
Fix : The "Date cut-off" setting in the Trending Hash Tags widget did not save correctly

Version 1.7.1 Complete Change Log :
This version fixes an issue preventing the "Toggle BBCode" button from working.
Fix : Fix compatibility issues with the new version of Froala.

Version 1.7.2 Complete Change Log :
This version fixes a potential server error when notifying a user about a subscribed hash tag.
Fix : Fix a bug causing server error when notifying users of hash tag usage.

Version 1.7.3 :
- This version resolves a potential server error when viewing certain pages (mostly administrative editing pages).
Complete Change Log
Fix :
Fix potential server errors when viewing certain pages.

Version 1.7.4 :
- This version resolves an error in which administrator permissions would not be checked correctly when accessing the AdminCP pages for managing hash tags.
Complete Change Log
Fix :
Correctly use Admin controller for the hash tag management page.

Version 1.7.5 :
- This version adds a missing phrase that would show up if someone tried to tag a non-existent user in a thread.
Complete Change Log
Fix :
Fix missing phrase for thread user tagging.
Version 1.7.6 :
- This version fixes a compatibility issue that arose from the recent upgrade to XenForo Media Gallery v2.2.5. This version is now the minimal version if you're running this add-on alongside XFMG.
Complete Change Log
Change :
Set XFMG's minimum version to 2.2.5
Change : Replace utf8_ functions with mb_ functions
Fix : XFMG integration with XFMG 2.2.5 caused a server error


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