Clean design is our way in Pi to expresses pure user experience, made to improve users engaging with the forum makes it much easier because everything is easily visible, enough spaces between every style element, mixing the relaxing white with flat colors comfortable to the eye.
Theme Features List :
Google Web font easily configured
Sticky Staff tools
Sticky category strips
Show node stats on hover
Optional Glyphs (Navigation-Sidebar-Message ActionBar)
And more......
RE-ME Framework Features List
You don’t just get a simple theme; you’ll get settings that will change the default framework into your own. It’s your website; make it yours !
- Google Web font is easily configured.
- Node Background
- Avatar Shape
- Custom Scrollbar
- Guest Message
- Sticky Staff tools
- Text Logo
- Two Login Triggers Styles
- Remove Sub-navigation row
- Collapsible Categories
- Sticky Category Strips
- Simplified Node Statics
- "New" Indicator Label
- Sidebar Position
- Sticky Sidebar
- Collapsible Sidebar
- Collapsible Sidebar Blocks
- Separate Sticky Threads
- Show avatar of who last posted
- Online/Offline status indicator in the discussion list
- Three Different Messages Layout
- First Post Unique Background
- Offline status indicator
- Collapsible User Extras
- Optional Glyphs (Navigation-Sidebar-Message ActionBar)
- Extra Footer is easily customized with 8 different widgets.
- And more....
Youtube URL in Pre-footer bug fixed
Message notices enhancements
Article Preview in discussion list enhancements