• Webmaster forum we offer you the best experience with our webmaster site and freelancer forum categories where you can share information on topics such as web development and digital marketing!
    This forum has officially become a paid forum. Unfortunately for various reasons we have blocked free downloads because they were sharing updated resources on other forums. If you want to buy a subscription you can do so by simply clicking on "Upgrade" and download all the resources you want.
    Thanks in advance.
[EAE Add-ons] Admin Tools

XF 2.1 / 2.2 [EAE Add-ons] Admin Tools 1.3.4

Edit: See updates for more features and screen shots.

This add-on adds a couple of new features and conveniences for administrators, such as: clone user groups, collapsed permission sets (if 'all' is not selected) when analyzing global permissions for a user, added three new options when searching for users, and the ability to search for users waiting confirmation email and the option to re-send the confirmation email.

Requires: XF 2.1+, PHP 7.2+

License :
Purchasing this add-on entitles you to one installation on your live site and one installation on a password protected test site. This add-on can not be repackaged or redistributed in any form. By purchasing this add-on you also agree that EAE Addons, and the author will not be held responsible if you abuse the resend confirmation emails.

AdminCP->Setup->Options->EAE Admin Tools :
  • Registered between x and y days ago. Defaulted for a seven day period ending three days prior to the current date.
  • Unconfirmed users per page. Defaulted to 20.
AdminCP->Users->Confirmation email search :

- The above options are used here. This page displays when the last time emails were resent, by whom, the date criteria, and the number of emails that were sent for that time frame. You can change the date criteria before you do the search but you should be careful the dates you enter do not overlap the last time confirmation emails were resent. The default registration dates were chosen to allow you to resend confirmation emails about once a week.

- Once the search is done, a list of all unconfirmed users in the selected date range is listed. You now have the option to resend the confirmation emails. This is handled by a job runner.

AdminCP->Users->Search for users :

- Three new criteria are added: search by usernames, website, and about me. Usernames were added for convenience as the default is only to search by one user, or by user groups. Separate each username with a comma. Search for users that filled out the website or about me fields was added for admins to find newly registered users that may be spammers.

AdminCP->Groups & permissions->User groups

- Click the clone icon by the trashcan for the user group you want to clone. Enter a new title (required), adjust the permissions if desired and select save. This option was added for two reasons. First if you want to give a new user group more permissions than the registered group (for example). Clone the registered group, you will see all the permissions the registered group has, go down through them and set to no all the permissions that are set to yes, and set to yes the permissions you want this new user group to have. This will ensure no duplicate permissions, and no need to switch between tabs to compare permissions.

Secondly, if you have specific user groups tied to a specific set of forums, and you are going to add a new set of forums for a new user group, just clone the user group, enter a new title, and press save. This will ensure the members of the new user group have the exact same permissions for their forums as the other members have for theirs. This is really convenient for role playing forums, for example.

AdminCP->Groups & permissions->Permissions->Analyze permissions

- Analyzing permissions for a user is a very handy tool. The downside is that there are a lot of permissions sets to scroll through if you are only looking to check one set. There is a new selection field located just under the user name that contains the list of all permission sets. Leaving the selection at all will have the analyze permissions work/look as normal. Select a specific set, for example forum permissions, and select analyze will display all the permission sets collapsed with the exception of forums. This really makes the analyze permissions faster and more convenient for admins as it cuts down the length of the page to scroll through. As all the permissions have been analyzed for the user, you can just open the other sets to look at their values, if you choose.

AdminCP->Groups & permissions->user group permissions->EAE Admin tools forum permissions

- Two new permissions added: Reply to own thread, and Reply to threads by others. Set the Reply to own thread to no, for a specific forum (e.g. a forum set for complaints) and the member will be able to start a thread, but not reply to it. This permission will be handy for members who seem to always dig a bigger hole for themselves when asking why they were banned from a thread, or have lost other privileges.

Reply to threads by others will be very useful for forums that cater to writers. It is also handy for sponsors, or for members wanting to sell services or items, and members interested in their service can contact them privately by conversation.

Both permissions defaulted to allow for the registered group on installation. I'm sure there are many more uses of these two permissions than what is stated above as examples.

Phrases :

- All begin with eae_amts_

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EAE Addons Admin Tools-6.webp

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EAE Addons Admin Tools-8.webp

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