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[Foro.agency] Replace smilies by HD Emojis

XF 2.0 / 2.1 [Foro.agency] Replace smilies by HD Emojis 2.2.7

This addon will replace your smileys by adding a huge list of people, animal, nature, food, activity, travel, object, symbol, and flag to your smiley editor.
Emoji support - XenForo 2 Manual ,in order to use this addon.

Advantages :
  • Huge list of smiley without any network request (loading)
  • Make your forum speeder so members are using Emojis insteed of smiley images
  • HD : No quality loss for these emojis on mobile and/or retina devices
Demo :

Screenshots :

Foroagency Replace smilies by HD Emojis-1.webp

Foroagency Replace smilies by HD Emojis-2.webp


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