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GDPlayer.Top Google Drive Video Player PHP Script

Scripts GDPlayer.Top Google Drive Video Player PHP Script 4.6.3

GDPlayerTop Google Drive Video Player PHP Script-1.webp

The most important thing is that we developed the source code ourselves so that whatever problem you face with this tool, we will solve it quickly.
  1. You can play static HLS/MPD videos;
  2. You can play live streaming HLS/MPD videos;
  3. You can upload poster image;
  4. You can upload multiple subtitles;
  5. You can install this application on multiple load balancer servers without any additional scripts;
  6. Support Apache/NGINX/Litespeed servers;
  7. Support more than 45 hosts;
  8. Support multiple resolutions;
  9. Support JW Player and Plyr video players;
  10. Support redis/sqlite/files cache to improve performance;
  11. Support multiple VAST ads;
  12. Support banner ads, popups, etc;
  13. Support anti-adblockers;
  14. Support shortener links like adfly, etc;
  15. Support whitelisted/blacklisted ip/domain;
  16. Support blacklisted titles;
  17. Support reporting to Google Analytics so you can see which videos are crashing or playing;
  18. Support smart cache so that if a video error will be created a new cache immediately;
  19. Support PWA white labels.


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