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Group membership moderators

XF 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3 Group membership moderators 2.3.0

This addon will make it possible to assign 'Group Moderators' to your forum.
A group moderator is able to view / add / remove members from selected groups.
This permission can be assigned to existing moderators as well as regular members.

  • Give any member or membergroup the 'Group Moderator' role for selected groups
  • You can assign multiple Group Moderators to a group
  • The group moderator can view / edit / remove members from a group
  • Actions are logged to the user and moderator log (see FAQ for instructions!)
Example use case

You have a gaming forum with some private area's. You do not want to add/remove users to these private forums yourself, instead you want to delegate this role to some key users or moderators. This add-on makes it possible to give those key users or moderators the permissions to view/add/remove users to the private section by managing the groups.

I previously used SMF as forum software where this was core functionality. Unfortunately XF does not have this functionality build-in.

  • English (default)
  • Dutch

Assign a member the 'Group Moderator' role (multiple members possible) :

Group membership moderators-1.webp

Group moderator > Moderated groups view :

Group membership moderators-2.webp

Group moderator > Adding a member to the group :

Group membership moderators-3.webp

Group moderator > Remove member from the group :

Group membership moderators-4.webp

Moderator log :

Group membership moderators-5.webp

Version 2.2.0 Bugfix :
In some situations the user was not removed properly from a group. This has been fixed.
Rewrite of add/remove function

Version 2.2.1 :
Only show 'Group Moderators' menu item if the user is a group moderator
Added multi column layout in ACP for the list of groups

Version 2.3.0 :
  • Require XenForo 2.3+.
  • Require PHP 8.0+.
  • Require Standard Library v1.21.0+.
  • Add password-based confirmation when adding / removing users from a group.
  • Minor code clean up.
XF 2.2  [cv6] Core  1.2.0
XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3  [DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare®


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