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XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 [JoyFreak] Change forum_list title and H1 only

Head over to your Admin CP > Setup > Options > Basic Options > Change your board title to the name of your forum only. For example, JoyFreak is my board name. This will be used consistently throughout the forums and you want to keep the consistency of your forum name throughout all pages. If the forum_list is the landing page of your forum, then this guide will be useful to you and can help improve your SEO if done correctly. You can add a keyword(s) to your title and h1 to help increase SEO for your homepage and this guide will walk you through on how to do that.

Open template: PAGE_CONTAINER

Find :

You must log in to view
(1 lines)

Add above :

You must log in to view
(3 lines)

Open template: forum_list

Replace :
You must log in to view
(5 lines)

With :
You must log in to view
(2 lines)

Make sure to add two phrases by heading to Admin CP > Appearance > Phrases > Add Phrase
There, you'll be able to add the above two phrases.

Advice: Use a keyword(s) that best describes your forum and use them in both phrases.
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