Meow Lightbox Pro - WordPress

WP Plugins Meow Lightbox Pro - WordPress 5.2.8


Meow Lightbox is a Lightbox for WordPress made for photographers, by photographers. It displays EXIF information nicely (title, description, camera, aperture, shutter speed, ISO, etc), while looking awesome, being fast and light.

Simply beautiful
We focus on one layout that is perfect for most of us. It’s slick, adapted to your theme, and available in light or dark.

EXIF information
Nicely displays information about your photos, such as camera, lens, aperture, description, etc.

We keep everything light and well-coded. We love everything to be optimized. Caching insures that the data always loads fast.

Perfect to showcase your photos during exhibitions, with friends! That is also a feature your visitors will enjoy using.

Location Map
Adds a button which, when clicked, turns your photo into a map of the location.

Deep Linking
Would you like to share a link to a specific image on your website? Deep Linking is the feature you need. Please have a look at the tutorial.


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