
XF 2.2 / 2.3 [MMO] Live Threads 2.3.7

Adds live forum threads using websockets. [MMO] Centrifugo must be installed for the add-on to work. You can set rights for groups who will have live threads

Version 2.2.1 : Using host and patch options for realtime

Version 2.2.2 :
Use of tokens
To use live threads, you now need to set up a namespace.
You must log in to view
(14 lines)

Version 2.3.0 Bêta 1 :
- Support XF 2.3.0
- Min require XF 2.3.0 Beta 3

Version 2.3.0 :
- Min require 2.3.0
- Using new pattern XF
- Refactoring
- Fixed If the add-on is installed and the centrifuge is not available, it does not allow you to create a thread or reply to it.

Version 2.3.2 :
- Support for real-time message updating and changing it to different states, from editing it to adding a reaction.
- Minimum requirement [MMO] Centrifugo 2.3.2

Version 2.3.3 : Fix wrong name for js

Version 2.3.4 :
- Fix bug when editing and reaction reload post.
- JS optimization
- Delete useless options

Version 2.3.5 :
Fixed a bug with other thread types.
Fixed a bug where the message's appearance would change in a way that was not consistent with the thread type.
Thanks a lot for testing and providing bugs

Version 2.3.7 : Add user typing


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