• Webmaster forum we offer you the best experience with our webmaster site and freelancer forum categories where you can share information on topics such as web development and digital marketing!
    This forum has officially become a paid forum. Unfortunately for various reasons we have blocked free downloads because they were sharing updated resources on other forums. If you want to buy a subscription you can do so by simply clicking on "Upgrade" and download all the resources you want.
    Thanks in advance.

XF 2.2 Moderator Essentials 2.6.1

About :
Moderator Essentials provides your moderators with valuable tools and features that help make their daily tasks much easier.
Main feature is a front end Moderator Log that allows your moderators to see what actions other moderators are taking around the forum as they happen.

Feature List :
  • Moderator Control Panel. Moderator Control Panel that features some tools from the admin panel;
    • Ability to view banned members (requires permission "ModEss - Ban Users")
    • Ability to ban members (requires permission "ModEss - Ban Users")
    • Ability to unban members (requires permission "ModEss - Ban Users")
    • Ability to search users by ip address (just like the admin panel, no additional permission required).
    • Manage Tags functionality from the admin panel (requires permission "ModEss - Manage Tags")
    • View Moderator Logs (same permission that already enabled this feature)
  • Manage Tags via Inline Moderation Tools. You can select multiple threads from the forum list and click to "Add Tags". Requires the permission "ModEss - Manage Tags".
  • Forum Moderator List. Option to display the moderators of each forum via a link at the top of each forum.
  • Moderator Bar Session Mod Log (beside the reported items count) that counts the number of log entries other moderators are creating:
    1. Clicking it loads a page with all logs (types and actions may be selected via user preferences) since the last time you checked. This allows you to keep track of what other moderators are doing around the forum.
    2. This log will only count and display logs from forums in which the moderator has permission to view the above thread log. The reason for this is because each moderator can have different privileges in different forums. But if he can see the thread log then he is entitled to view all logs in that forum regardless of whether he himself is permitted to perform that particular action.
    3. Log is searchable by type, action name, moderator, or number of days (up to 30 days - set via ACP).
    4. Each moderator can select which log actions they would like to be alerted about. This is done via the Account/Preferences page.
  • View deleted posts/threads placeholders. A user group permission that allows your members to view the placeholders of deleted items - just the place holder without the ability to view the deleted item itself. In the ACP options page you can select whether or not to also include the provided reason for the deletion. Please note that this feature does not work with Tapatalk (and perhaps other similar add-ons). When your members use Tapatalk, then deleted placeholders will not show.
  • Moderation queue items now include the forum title as a link. This helps to quickly identify the item's location within your forum. Also, thread titles now have a link back to the thread.
  • Both the Thread Logs and Mod Log display Thread Ban add-on logs
  • Find Deleted Posts feature.
    • On an AdminCP user profile, add to the "Actions" dropdown a "Find Deleted Posts" option.
    • On front-end member profile, add to the "Moderator Actions" dropdown a "Find Deleted Posts" option.
    • Paginated list, ordered by deleted date (from deleted log)
    • Front-end permission "[ModEss] See all deleted posts by a user" to control if a moderator can see all deleted posts from a user.
  • Thread notes - create (and link) a moderator discussion thread for a thread. Visually similar to a resource and it's discussion thread.
Important Notes :
  • In order to view Moderator Bar Log entries, the moderator must have permission to view the Thread Moderator Log (ie must have at least one basic forum moderator permission). This log will only count and display logs from forums in which the moderator has permission to view the Thread Moderator Log.
  • Strongly recommend: Content Title Edit History add-on (free)
Version 2.2.13 - Maintenance update : Fix missing phrases in admincp options list

Version 2.2.14 - Bugfix update : When converting posts to conversations, replace all

Version 2.4.1 - Bugfix update : php 7.2+ compatibility fix when converting a post to a conversation

Version 2.4.2 - Bugfix update : Fix type error in "Convert posts to conversation"

Version 2.5.0 - Feature update
v2.5.0+ requires XenForo 2.2+ and php 7.2+, v2.4.x and below supports XF2.1 and are still supported.
Harden templates for future upgrades
Fix XF2.2 thread type support for "Thread Notes" feature.
Fix possibility of having multiple "Thread Notes" discussion threads per actual thread due to previous schema design
Remove "Moderator Action Discussion" feature as this featured heavy duplication of the "Thread Notes" features & code.
Attempts to migrate "Moderator Action Discussion" threads into a "Thread Notes" discussion thread, if the relevent thread does not have one.
Orphaned "Moderator Action Discussion" threads are left-alone as they still link to to the thread/post and include the action which triggered them.

Version 2.5.1 - Bugfix update :
Force global namespace for functions which are known to be optimizable to bytecode in php, or known global functions to avoid a current namespace lookup for the function.
Fix missing thread type phrases

Version 2.5.2 - Minor bugfix update :
Fix that "Require access permission" for option being disabled caused a permission check lookup for non-moderators
Very minor code cleanup

Version 2.5.3 :
- Fix "Display deletion reasons on deleted content placeholders" option not working
- Add "Avatar to show on deleted post placeholders" option

Version 2.6.0 Minor feature update :
- Convert "[ModEss] Can Use Thread Notes" from general moderation permissions to forum moderation permissions.

Version 2.6.1 - Minor maintenance update :
- Remove unused option "Open moderator log discussions in forum"


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