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[MPL] Loading Page

XF 2.1 [MPL] Loading Page 2.0.1

Features of the plugin:

You can change the text as you wish.
Increase / Decrease Opening Speed
You can change the Text / Spiner / Background colors.

MPL Loading Page-1.webp


Download the file MusaPekel-Loading-2.0.0.zip to your computer and unzip it.
Put the contents of the upload file in your FTP home directory.
You can install it from the Add-ons section of the admin panel.

Admincp >> Options >> [MPL] - You can go to the Loading field and make your necessary settings.
Admincp >> Options >> [MPL] - You can enter the required colorings by entering the Loading Style field.

Latest updates 2.0.1
Default and Logoed parameters are integrated into the plugin.


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