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[OzzModz] Cloudflare Image Resizing - On Demand Responsive Images

XF 2.2 [OzzModz] Cloudflare Image Resizing - On Demand Responsive Images 2.0.0 Patch Level 1

OzzModz Cloudflare Image Resizing On Demand Responsive Images-1.webp

A game-changing addition to Xenforo, leverage the power of Cloudflare Image Resizing to optimize your site. Cloudflare Image Resizing is a paid feature available to Cloudflare Professional plans. However, the benefits and savings are unmatched to deliver responsive images on demand in next gen formats.

Requires :
  • Cloudflare Professional Plan ($20 USD/mo)
  • Cloudflare Image Resizing ($9 USD per 50k requests)
When users upload attachments to your forum, visitors will always view these attachments in their original, unoptimized form. That could mean quite massive resolutions (up to 4k) and heavy file sizes if you're not careful with allowances.

This results in a one-image-for-everybody rule, with no respect to visitor device type or screen size. Effectively, a visitor on 4G mobile data will have to download the same ultra-res image enjoyed by desktop users.

This can not only strain server resources, but also causes slow pages for your visitors - and can even harm your speed scores and rankings in Google!
Some platforms, such as Wordpress, avoid this issue by generating a set of size variations for uploaded images (S/M/L/XL). This is similar to how Xenforo stores different sizes of avatars. While this means Wordpress can deliver the right image for most situations, it can also bloat your file system exponentially! Imaging having five different copies of every attachment on your site.
There are several enterprise-level platforms such as Hubspot, which allow dynamic image resizing - without ever needing to create or store different image variations. Sadly, this does not exist in Xenforo.

..until now, with Cloudflare Image Resizing.
This addon, along with Cloudflare's Image Resizing plan, allows on demand replacement with optimized, resized and device-specific images across Xenforo.

Optimize your attachments with next-gen formats such as WEBP and AVIF. Resize attachments dynamically with max image dimensions, set quality limits, sharpness, crop fitting and more.

This means your desktop users will get to see their favorite attachment in stunning 4K, tablet browsers will receive an optimized 600-700px image, and mobile browsers will receive a 320px image at ultra low file size (up to 99.9% savings).

And what's best, it all happens dynamically in the cloud - nothing is replaced, added to, or stored on your server. That's the magic of Cloudflare!


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