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[OzzModz] Ignore Files From Health Check

XF 2.1 / 2.2 [OzzModz] Ignore Files From Health Check 2.0.2

At times we might need to edit core or addon files. The issue is that we are plagued with the dreaded file health check results showing up on the ACP index.

Well this addon solves that. Now if you have edited a file, you can add it to the ignore list and it will no longer show up in the count. This makes identifying any unwanted edited files more easily identifiable.

ACP Index Example :
OzzModz Ignore Files From Health Check-1.webp

Here is what the Non-ignored tab looks like. Notice the slash eye icon :
OzzModz Ignore Files From Health Check-2.webp

Clicking on the slash eye icon will add that file to the ignore list, and the count on the index will change accordingly.

Here is what the Ignored tab looks like. Notice the eye icon :

OzzModz Ignore Files From Health Check-3.webp

Clicking on the eye icon will add that file to the non-ignore list, and the count on the index will change accordingly.

Here is what the All tab looks like. Notice the eye icon :

OzzModz Ignore Files From Health Check-4.webp

Version 2.0.1 :

- Added: Developer and support link to addon page in ACP.
- Added: Missing class extension for the job file.

Version 2.0.2 :
- Fixed : ErrorException: [E_NOTICE] Undefined index: ozzmodzAdvancedACPignoredFilesSwitch src/addons/OzzModz/IgnoreFileFromFileCheck/XF/Job/FileCheck.php:40


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