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Payment Profile: Authorize.Net with ARB

Payment Profile: Authorize.Net with ARB 1.5.2

This add-on extends XenForo 2 payment profile system to accept payment via Authorize.Net. It is the XF2 version of [bd] Paygate: AUTHORIZE.NET ARB.

Xfrocks has open sourced their Authorize.Net payment provider. As it appears he is leaving the Xenforo community, posting an updated version using an updated fork of the php-sdk from Authorize.net to bring support for PHP 8.2 and 8.3.

Original Xfrocks compatible Add-On : Payment Profile: Authorize.Net with ARB

Version 1.4.0 :
  • Configuration option to collect a customer's phone number
  • Configuration option to display accepted card types
  • Adds missing javascript and callback files
Version 1.4.1 :
  • Clarified field names with placeholders
  • Replaced free-form text for expiration date with dropdowns
Payment Profile AuthorizeNet with ARB-1.webp

Version 1.4.2 :
  • Corrects critical validation bug introduced in v1.4.1
  • Replaces input fields with xf tags
Version 1.5.0 - XF 2.3 support ! :
- Introduces support for XF 2.3 (THIS VERSION AND FUTURE WILL NOT WORK WITH XF 2.2)
- Credit Card number field will highlight red for invalid cards
- Credit Card number field will highlight red for cards not accepted
- AuthorizeNet/sdk-php updated to May 2024 release (PHP 8.x support)

Version 1.5.1 : Fixes double submit bug when trying to pay.

Version 1.5.2 :
- Adds a dropdown to select a country as part of address input.
- This helps improve validation of payments from international customers.


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