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Postbit Bar in XFRM overview

XF 2.3 Postbit Bar in XFRM overview

A simple template modification to insert a few postbit information visible in your XFRM overview page (top). This also includes resource count. Make your changes/edits accordingly. This might come in handy to you if you want to spice up your XFRM page.

Postbit Bar in XFRM overview-1.webp

How to add:
ACP > Search > xfrm_resource_view

Right under the first line, paste this:
You must log in to view
(21 lines)

Postbit Bar in XFRM overview-2.webp

Again, this is currently styled to my theme. Please make your changes/edits to suit YOUR style.

Note: I've tested this only on XF 2.3.4 , not sure about the previous versions.
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