• Webmaster forum we offer you the best experience with our webmaster site and freelancer forum categories where you can share information on topics such as web development and digital marketing!
    This forum has officially become a paid forum. Unfortunately for various reasons we have blocked free downloads because they were sharing updated resources on other forums. If you want to buy a subscription you can do so by simply clicking on "Upgrade" and download all the resources you want.
    Thanks in advance.
Resource Filter by AddonsLab

Resource Filter by AddonsLab 3.6.1

Add-On Overview

The add-on allows to filter and search resources based on Resource fields. The idea is to allow admins to utilize the power of custom fields to turn their resources into Directory, Classifieds, Shop or other types of content, for which filtering the data based on custom fields is vital.

The controls to filter the resources are added in Filters popup in Resources home page and categories

Resource Filter by AddonsLab-1.webp

Resource Search page is also enhanced to show filter controls when the forum being searched currently has custom fields associated with it :

Resource Filter by AddonsLab-2.webp

Each field can be configured separately to be shown in the filter list and/or in the search form :

Resource Filter by AddonsLab-3.webp

Each category can be configured to show the values of custom fields in category/search views - as a prefix, under the title or a separate column :

Resource Filter by AddonsLab-4.webp

Choice fields can be configured to be shown in the forms using Check boxes and Multiple-choice drop down (allow searching/filtering by multiple values) or Drop down selection/Radio buttons (allow searching/filtering only by single value).

Resource Filter by AddonsLab-5.webp

Date fields and numeric fields are shown as interval inputs (from... to...) where both fields are optional, so it is possible to search any values higher/lower than the defined values or in some particular interval.

Color fields are also supported and color similarity algorithm is implemented. All items with visually similar colors are found and listed. An example search listing resources filtered by color similarity can be seen here The index of color similarity is configurable and can be set from product's options page:

Text fields are searched and indexed just like resource text itself. Full-text search is executed with fuzzy matching, meaning the phrase searched does not have to be in exactly the same order as in the query.

Resource list shows all active filters. Clicking each filter will remove the field and re-run the search with the remaining filters :

Resource Filter by AddonsLab-6.webp

The product allows moving the filters from the default location in a popup to the sidebar or above resource list, configured per category or globally.

Resource Filter by AddonsLab-7.webp

Resource Filter by AddonsLab-8.webp

Xenforo Enhanced Search and Elastic Search support

The add-on has special support for Enhanced Search add-on with Elasticsearch back-end. Custom field information is indexed as separate content type in Elasticsearch. A high-performance algorithm is implemented to filter millions of records and show only the resources matching filter criteria. Custom fields are searched only once, and the result is cached for subsequent pages. Even though the product performs completely fine without Enhanced Search add-on, it is highly recommended to use this add-on and Elasticsearch on large databases.

Faceted search and location filter - xenforo.com

Location custom field
You are eligible for a free license of Location custom field add-on if you purchase any of our Filter add-ons.

Sortable custom field options

Our add-on at Sort Field Options for XenForo 2.x allows admins to sort custom field options when they create/edit the field in Admin Panel. The order in admin panel affects the order in which the options are shown to the users on add/edit resource form as well as in the filters. The add-on costs $20.00 USD but it is a free module we provide with every license of Resource Filter. Feel free to contact us if you need a license and we will assign it to your account immediately.

Additional requirements :
- XenForo Resource Manager 2.0.0+
- [AL] Core package

Version 3.2.0 XenForo 2.2 compatibility update : This version implements compatibility with XenForo 2.2

Version 3.2.1 Bug-fix: PHP error on the general search page : This version fixes a PHP error on the general Search page on XenForo 2.2.x

Version 3.2.2 Bug-fix: TypeError: Argument 1 passed to XF\Search\Search::getResultSet()
This version fixes a PHP error on the general search page introduced in version 3.4.0:
TypeError: Argument 1 passed to XF\Search\Search::getResultSet()

Version 3.2.3 Bug-fix: Elasticsearch error when prefix IDs are not numeric
The release fixes a bug, that would cause ES search error "Elasticsearch error: all shards failed". This would happen only if you have Multiple prefix search option activated, and if a user/bot manually modifies the URL to include invalid prefix IDs (which are normally numeric). This is not a security issue as an attacker would not get any error message except that searching failed.

Version 3.2.4 Bug-fix: Error: Call to undefined method XF\Util\Arr::arrayColumn()
This version fixes the following PHP error when rebuilding custom fields:
Error: Call to undefined method XF\Util\Arr::arrayColumn()

Version 3.2.5 Maintenance release
Release contains updated files from the shared Filter Framework package used by all our filter products. Please install this release if you are using any other filter product created by us.
The new version is available for all licensed customers at Marketplace - AddonsLab

Version 3.2.6 Bug-fix: Auto-reload not working after the latest update
This is a fix for a regression in the latest version, which would cause the Auto Reload not to work with a JavaScript error logged.
The new version is available for all licensed customers at Marketplace - AddonsLab

Version 3.3.0 Location support enhancement and minor fixes
This version enhances location support using the latest upgrade of the Location custom field add-on. Now you can choose to hide the default distance unit in the filter form. From this version on, the Google API key should be specified in the Location custom field add-on options. Please verify these options after the upgrade. It also fixes a bug with the option Maximum result count that would not allow 0 as a value.

Version 3.3.1 Bug-fix: broken html in Active filters
This version fixes a bug appearing when admins use the option "Value display HTML" for a custom field using HTML that breaks the layout in the Active filters bar. The HTML will be stripped away now and only the raw value will be shown in the bar.

Version 3.4.0 Added Clear filters button to the filter form
In this release, we have implemented a Clear button in the filter form, next to the Filter button. Pressing the button resets filters.
The button is not shown in the filter form until some filters are applied.

Version 3.4.1 Compatibility update with the latest [AL] Core package
- This release is due to a change in [AL] Core package regarding class extensions, which was causing some compatibility issues with other add-ons. Please upgrade if you are using [AL] Core version 1.5.5+.

Version 3.4.2 Bug-fix : default order not respected when result count limitation is applied
- The release fixes a problem with the option Maximum result count. If the option is set to a low number, the results might not respect the default order if items and older results may be shown. The problem does not affect Elasticsearch back-end.

Version 3.5.0 Migration to Filter Framework :
We have released an add-on with shared functionality of all our "filter" add-ons. The reason for separating this functionality is to make it easier to maintain and to allow for more flexibility in the future.
The following fixes are included in the latest Filter Framework package:
  • Fix: multiple prefix filter not working
  • Fix: indexation of array-type custom fields may trigger PHP error
  • Enhancement: Do not use AJAX for loading filterable list options if there are no more than 30 options
Version 3.6.0 Filterable lists support :
- In this release, we have edited an option to enable Select2-based selection lists in the filters.
- The new version is available for all licensed customers at customers.addonslab.com

Version 3.6.1 Bug-fix : large filterable lists do not show the options :
- This version fixes an issue with large filterable lists not loading the options via an AJAX request.
- The new version is available for all licensed customers at customers.addonslab.com


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