• Webmaster forum we offer you the best experience with our webmaster site and freelancer forum categories where you can share information on topics such as web development and digital marketing!
    This forum has officially become a paid forum. Unfortunately for various reasons we have blocked free downloads because they were sharing updated resources on other forums. If you want to buy a subscription you can do so by simply clicking on "Upgrade" and download all the resources you want.
    Thanks in advance.
Social Groups for XenForo

XF 2.1 / 2.2 Social Groups for XenForo 2.1.33 Patch Level 1

This is a complete, fully configurable social group system that allows for group discussions, forums, event calendars and a basic group photo album.

The ability to create each section of the group is fully usergroup permissions based. So if you don't want a user group to create a photo album, you just turn off that ability.

  • Create Group Forum
  • Create Group Discussion area*
  • Create Group Photo Album (with photo comments)
  • Create Group Event Calendar
  • Limit number of groups a user can join
  • Limit number of groups a user can create
  • Add/Remove Group Moderators
  • Groups can be open, private or invite only
  • Transfer Group Ownership
  • And more!
*Group discussions are totally separate from XenForo's node system and they are not interchangable. Think of group discussions as giant conversations (private or otherwise).

Changes not in XF 1.x version:
  • Moved group owner, group moderator and group member permissions from hard coded to admin area
  • Group banners now resized and cropped to fit when uploaded
  • Native XF tables no longer modified in any way
  • Add/Remove moderators moved from owner tools to members tab menu
  • Group discussions expanded to work just like a forum (but still not a forum)
Additions not in XF 1.x version:
  • Approve new members from member list
  • Invited users shown in member list
  • Large banner can now be displayed above group menu
  • Event calendar
  • XenForo Media gallery support
  • Popular group display
  • Google map BB Code
WARNING: If you are upgrading from the XF 1.x version, you must have been running version 1.4.0 or later of the XF 1.x add-on before upgrading to XenForo 2.1. If you were not, you will be unable to upgrade to this XF 2 version.

Social Groups for XenForo-1.webp

Social Groups for XenForo-2.webp

Social Groups for XenForo-3.webp

Social Groups for XenForo-4.webp

Social Groups for XenForo-5.webp

Social Groups for XenForo-6.webp

Social Groups for XenForo-7.webp

Social Groups for XenForo-8.webp

Social Groups for XenForo-9.webp

Social Groups for XenForo-10.webp

Version 2.1.32:
Phrase "No events to display" for translate?

Fixed: [E_WARNING] Trying to access array offset on value of type bool src\addons\Snog\Groups\XF\Finder\Thread.php:100

Fixed 2.1.31: Template error : [E_WARNING] Illegal string offset 'name' internal_data/code_cache/templates/l2/s3/public/snog_groups_main.php:656.

Version 2.1.33:
- Fixed call delete() method on null
- Small code refactor & cleanup

Version 2.1.33: Patch Level 1 Changelog:
- Removed obsolete media watermarking code
- Fixed photo & photo comments alerts ignoring view permissions
XF 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2  [tl] Post Reply  3.0.9


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