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[TC] Custom Node Icons

XF 2.2 / 2.3 [TC] Custom Node Icons 1.1.0

Read nodes.webp

Unread nodes.webp

Node forum list property.webp

Setting icons.webp

Features :
  • Installation of Font Awesome icons
  • Installing any images
  • Setting separate icons for unread forums
  • Setting the icon size in the style properties

Version 1.0.2 Change log :
Reworking the plugin to be more compatible with different styles.

New Style Settings :
  • Properties for the icon-image of the read node;
  • Properties for the icon-image of an unread node;
Removed unnecessary classes, now used standard, refactoring for greater code cleanliness, added the ability to customize the type of icons-images, that for example, if the icon is only for the read state of the node, to make some difference for the unread state.

Version 1.1.0 : Compatible xenforo 2.3
- Xenforo 2.3.0+ Support
- Switching to components from [TC] Component Library, instead of your own js
XF 2.1 / 2.2  Keyword Linking by Siropu  1.5.1
XF 2.0 / 2.1  D.C Style - Enhanced Login Form  1.1.0 Beta


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