For the great forums, the management of members can be quite arduous. With Activation Reminder, automatically send an electronic mail to the users who are registered but never activated after a defined number of days. If not active at all, use the User Purger to automatically effect it after a certain time!
Features :
- Set the number of days to wait before sending another reminder to activate their user account
- Set the number of days to wait before purging users who never activated their account
Version 1.0.0 Patch Level 2 changes : Resolved an issue that prevented the reminder/purge option to be set to 0 (and hence to be disabled).
Version 1.0.1 Changes :
Fixed an issue that caused the user purging functionality to not silently skip errors
Fixed an issue that caused administrator and moderator based accounts to get purged when awaiting activation
Version 1.0.1 Patch Level 1 Changes : Includes an enhancement that purges old inactive accounts upon installation, to avoid them all being emailed before then being purged.