Regardless of the theme / style preferred by the user, the theme you want to design should be based on where it will be directed towards the specific pages. Force Style Plus offers this feature in XenForum to include front pages.
You can install this add-on by using [TH] Install and Upgrade, installing it manually, or ZIP Upload (XenForo 2.1. and higher).
- Force the style for notable members pages
- Choose which notable members pages the style is forced on
- Force the style for the help page section
- Choose which help pages the style is forced on
- Force the style on XenForo Resource Manager
- Force the style for Siropu Chat rooms
- Choose which chat rooms the style is forced on
Resolved a number of issues that would prevent styles from being forced correctly.
Added an option to force help page style on the help page overview.
Added an option to force member page style on the member overview page.
Added an option to force member page style on the registered members page.
Added an option to force member page style on the online list.
Added an option to force siropu chat style on chat main page and popout.