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[TH] Image Optimizer

XF 2.1 / 2.2 [TH] Image Optimizer 1.2.0 Patch Level 1

TH Image Optimizer-1.webp

TH Image Optimizer-2.webp

Automatically optimize any image uploaded to your board. Compress your photos to save storage space and bandwidth and improve your website's loading time. (Currently requires Kraken, but will add support for more image optimization services soon.)

General Features:

Optimize any image on your board
Optimize all uploaded images or optimize images via cron

Make sure you have an active subscription on kraken.io before purchasing this product!

Version 1.1.2 Changes:
Added support for Gifsicle
Added quality settings support for ReSmush.it
Resolved a rare race condition that would trigger an exception when an invalid image URL was passed to the optimization service.

Version 1.2.0 Changes:
Added support for Pngcrush
Added support for OptiPNG
Added support for Guetzli
Added functionality that allows XenForo Profile Covers to also be optimized

Version 1.2.0 Patch Level 1 Changes:
Resolved an issue where some sentences were missing
Resolved an issue where there was a misspelling within the Gifsicle command
XF 2.1 / 2.2  XF2 [8WR] Database Backup
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