• Webmaster forum we offer you the best experience with our webmaster site and freelancer forum categories where you can share information on topics such as web development and digital marketing!
    This forum has officially become a paid forum. Unfortunately for various reasons we have blocked free downloads because they were sharing updated resources on other forums. If you want to buy a subscription you can do so by simply clicking on "Upgrade" and download all the resources you want.
    Thanks in advance.
[TH] Notifier - with Slack integration

XF 2.1 / 2.2 [TH] Notifier - with Slack integration 1.0.3

TH Notifier with Slack integration-1.webp

TH Notifier with Slack integration-2.webp

Please know here if you go to your forum and stay informed by receiving notifications from XenForo in Slack, Mattermost and Discord. Configure the actions for these souhaitez receive notifications and define the front by choosing the information, the categories, the types of report content and the user criteria in the function of the type of content. Notifier will help you keep in touch.

Administrative Features
  • Send notifications from XenForo to Slack, Mattermost, and Discord
  • Have notifications sent based on content type including posts, reports, resources, resource ratings, resource updates, threads, albums, media items, and media ratings
  • Choose the nodes, category, or report content type based on the content type to receive notifications about
  • Utilize user criteria, user field criteria, and remote platform criteria (if available) to choose who to receive notifications about
  • Select which channel to receive notifications in
  • Send a message from XenForo to a provider
TH Notifier with Slack integration-3.webp

Notifier - with Slack integration Know what’s happening on your forum and stay up to date by sending notifications from XenForo to Slack, Mattermost, and Discord. Set up the actions you would like to receive notifications about and further define...

Version 1.0.3 Changes : Inline moderation actions on posts and threads will now send a single notification instead of one for every item
XF 2.1 / 2.2  [TH] Notices Plus  1.1.0
XF 2.1 / 2.2  [TH] Reactions Plus  1.2.0


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