• Webmaster forum we offer you the best experience with our webmaster site and freelancer forum categories where you can share information on topics such as web development and digital marketing!
    This forum has officially become a paid forum. Unfortunately for various reasons we have blocked free downloads because they were sharing updated resources on other forums. If you want to buy a subscription you can do so by simply clicking on "Upgrade" and download all the resources you want.
    Thanks in advance.
[TH] Spotify

XF 2.1 / 2.2 [TH] Spotify 1.0.3 Patch Level 3

TH Spotify-1.webp

Bring your community together with music. Users can share what they’re playing and listen to music together by connecting their Spotify account in just a few clicks.

User characteristics:
Connect your Spotify account to your existing forum user or create a new user with your Spotify account

See what people are listening to by hovering over their name on the forum.

Listen to other users' music by clicking the play button on the Spotify overlay.

Show song titles and artists in the Spotify overlay.

[TH] Spotify Version 1.0.3 Patch Level 3 changes :
Hardened playback saving against temporary API outages and unexpected API results, reducing the overall likeliness to receive errors.
XF 2.1  [TH] Giphy  1.0.4 Patch Level 1
XF 2.1 / 2.2  AndyB Show account details  1.0


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